He talks to your baby bump

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Taylor: "Hey baby, it's Taylor, I'm your dad. I can't wait to meet you, and I promise that I will teach you everything you need to know about getting girls and riding dirt bikes. But if you're a girl, I will protect you from all the douchey guys who try to date you, because lets be honest, you'll be gorgeous like your mom."

Matt: "I can't wait to meet you, we already painted your room and got you all these little toys. I've never been so excited then when your mom told me that you were coming. We're going to love you so much, you have no idea."

Shawn: "we're young, I know that. But we are going to be the best parents we can to you. Even though were only fifteen, we already can't wait to see you. I'm gonna protect you and love you until I die, I swear. You have no idea how much I already love you."

Nash: "I hope you have your mothers eyes. Sure mine are blue, but you will be so lucky to have your mothers beautiful eyes. I hope for your sake that you look like mommy, because she is the most beautiful women I've ever seen."

Jack Johnson: "I stopped drinking and smoking for you, because I love you so much. I hope that when your a teenager and you hate us and you want to date that person we don't approve of, you still remember that we love you more than anything, no matter how many mistakes you make."

Jack Gilinsky: "I can't wait to meet you. You have no idea. The day I found out you were coming, your mother and I were kind of freaking out. We're young, but we love each other so much, and I promise that we will love you no matter what. I wish you would come faster though!"

Cameron: "Hey, baby. I don't really know what to say to you, I'm still kind of shocked that your coming. But not in a bad way! I'm just so excited to see you. I always pictured having children with your mommy, and I just can't believe that it's really happening.

Aaron: "I wonder if you'll like football, or soccer, or maybe you won't like sports but you'll be more into art and reading. Either way I'll always support you, no matter what. Always remember that."

Carter: "I hope your a trouble maker like me. Your mom is giving me a glare right now but I seriously hope that you cause a whole lot of trouble, and that you have so much fun. But always listen to what we tell you! Because we care about you more than anyone else."

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