Type of couple you are

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The Secretive Couple

Shawn was incredibly shy. That, everyone knew of. You weren't exactly shy too but you weren't bold enough to do some of the things Taylor or Nash would dare to do. Compared to the others, you and Shawn had a bit of an age gap, a younger age gap and so you were both cautious of public displays of affection. Only the people who were closest to the both of you would notice the way you two would sneak glances at each other from across the room, a small smile on each others face, or the way your eyes would light up when someone mentions Shawn's name or the way you two would lean in just a little when sitting next to each other. The small hints gave you both away and somehow, someway, you would always get caught mid-subtle-flirting, a smirk on the other boys's faces as they gave you a knowing smirk, raising their eyebrows twice suggestively, making the both of you blush furiously.


The Protective Couple

Yeah, the word 'protective' could have some negative connotations with it as there's a thin line between a protective and a possessive mate but there was nothing negative about your relationship with Nash. You had your own background story, fights that you've won and lost, fights that you fought with Nash as he was your childhood best friend. Which is why, now, you are the one fighting next to Nash as he deals with the hateful comments and jealousy that's thrown at him on a daily basis because of one mistake he made. You two would always have each other's backs, reminding each other, guiding each other. You would get so defensive when somebody even says the slightest thing about him and he's the same with you, quick to word vomit on the attacker about how incredibly beautiful, kind-hearted and strong you are.


The Old Married Couple

The label's pretty self-explanatory. Carter's known for his childish antics and stupid harmless (but still angering) pranks and you, always used to taking care of little kids, were used to knocking discipline into pestering children's behavior. Needless to say, whenever Carter comes forth screaming at you, throwing something at you or pulling your hair, with that stupid phone of his in his hands, recording you, he'd get a reaction out of you that was funnier than his mom's famous "CARTAH! DON DO DAT!" yelling. Whenever he's pouncing around the room with his child like energy, you'd start to lecture him about hurting himself or breaking something and whenever you make the tiniest error, he would make sure to correct you. You both would always get on each others nerves but at the end of the day, you would lie in each others arms, limbs entangled, the words "you know I only did it because I love you" wavering around the room familiarly, mixing with the love and care that was radiating off of the both of you.


The Twinning Couple

You and Matt, Matt and you. There really isn't a difference between the people that are named Matt and (y/n) because you are both literally the same people. It's a little freaky, really. Matt has multiple personalities; sometimes he's moody and sarcastic, sometimes he's energetic and loud, sometimes he's a typical white boy, sometimes he's a typical white girl. Either way, he's always 5000% done with everything. You were the same. Before you came along, nobody really understood Matt to the fullest. He was always such a mix of things that no one got him and sometimes he'd get frustrated and he dealt with it by shutting everyone out. You were different. You got him. You were the same, you never agreed to the whole categorization of a girl's personality like "tomboy" or "girly". You're both. The both of you are such complex people and not a lot of people spend time trying to understand your 'complex' minds but you two stayed long enough, longer than anyone else in your lives and now you two are like twins. You like the same things, are always in the same moods at the same time, you finish each other's sentences. It's sickeningly adorable. 

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