Girlfriend/Boyfriend Tag

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Carter: "Alright, where did we meet?" He asked you, looking over you with his soft brown eyes. You smiled and scoffed. "Babe, this is easy. We met in geometry honors class, and you called me a nerd while copying my homework." You smirked at him as cheeks went slightly pink. "My little nerd." He muttered, kissing your head softly before asking you the second question.

Matt: "What is my favorite color?" You asked him challengingly, raising your eyebrows at him. He pretended to think for a moment before he rolled his eyes playfully. "It's purple, all shades. But especially light purple, and you think it looks best with light yellow and white." He said smugly, and your jaw dropped open as he recalled all the little details. "What can I say, I'm a great boyfriend!" He said, throwing his arms around you as you blushed.

Shawn: "Where was our first kiss?" He asked, sure you wouldn't remember because it was so long ago. "We were in the second to last row of a movie theatre, watching 21 Jump Street. I was so nervous you have no idea. It was in April of 2013 I think?" You said, more to yourself than to him. His smile widened as he glowed from happiness and kissed you quickly. "You're kind of the best girlfriend ever." He said, and you winked at the camera, laughing and settling into his side.

Nash: "What is one thing you find annoying about me?" He asked, laughing. You rolled your eyes playfully and groaned. "Well, there is SO MANY things, but I hate it when you leave your inside out and dirty close all over your room! It's gross!" You said, and he laughed louder. "I knew you were going to say that!" He said loudly. "Then do something about it!" You said back sassily, giggling afterwards and looking into the camera with a smirk.

Jack Gilinsky: "When did we say I love you for the first time?" You said. He chuckled. "This is too easy babe. It was 5 months into our relationship, and we were alone in your house watching The Notebook. That night was also the first time we had se-" "Alright next question." You cut him off quickly, your voice high and squeaky as you blushed the color magenta. He laughed loudly and kissed the side of your head.

Taylor: "If I could eat anything what would it be?" You asked him, waiting for his answer. He looked down at you, smiling. "Easy, you would eat coffee ice-cream. You love coffee ice-cream so much, she seriously has an obsession guys." Taylor said into the camera, and you smiled from ear to ear, happy that Taylor was able to remember such small details about you. It made you feel loved.

Jack Johnson: "What is my favorite drink?" He asked you, and you started bouncing up and down and shrieking. "This is a trick question! You're one of those weird people who mixes all the sodas together! It's so gross!" You said, looking up at him. He laughed and smiled, kissing your forehead. "It's delicious!" He protested, before asking the next question.

Aaron: "What was my first pet?" You asked him. He thought for a minute before he yelled. "I REMEMBER! Alright, you had a cat when you were seven and his name was Mr. Fluffles and he was grey with white paws." Aaron recited, making your eyes go wide in surprise. "I can't believe you remember that." You muttered, before leaning in to kiss him softly. "I'm the best boyfriend ever." He said smugly.

Cameron: "How much do you love me?" You asked him the last question, and a tint of pink fell upon his cheeks as he smiled down at his hands. "I love you more than anything." He said softly, a smile stretching it's way on to his face. You leaned forward and pushed your lips on his urgently, completely forgetting about the camera recording your every move. Eh, he can edit it out later anyway.

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