How he acts during your God given time of the month

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Aaron: Aaron would be super awkward. Like he wouldn't want to talk about it, and at first you two wouldn't. And you were also semi embarrass by it, so you wouldn't talk about it unless you had too. Or you had to ask him to get you something. He always said yes, because he didn't mind it, he just didn't want to seem to whipped.

Cameron: Cam would have you ticked off after making fun of something you did, and at first he would think you were mad, then you were ecstatic, then you were sad, then you were pissed off, all at the same time at what he said. Getting it through his mind what week it was, he would automatically get back on your good side for what could happen after the week.

Sammy: You would always text Sammy when you got your period and say "You're an idiot :) :( ;) :**( :*!" Insert tons of emoji's. Then he'd be like, no one use's that many emoji's. And then finally he would realize after the thousand random apologies you sent him, he would understand. And he would start laughing, and as soon as he got home, he would be all cuddley with you, but he wouldn't ever stop making fun of you.

Shawn: Would be super sweet and loving! He would sing to you, and he would always be the cutest tease. He'd pick you up so you wouldn't have to walk, and he'd attempt to make you food. It'd be the cutest thing ever.

Carter: So he would get like super horny, and it's like the middle of your period. And he doesn't realize until after you start crying after he starts rubbing rubbing your inner thigh. Then he'd feel really bad. Sexually frustrated girl on her period. He would feel so bad, and do anything you wanted for the rest of the time, and you'd just laugh at him but except kindly :)

Jack J: I think Jack would take it as a week for him to just be able to hang out with the guys, and you'd be all for just having a week to yourself and chocolate, and orange is the new black. So you'd just tell him about it. And he'd be off to Sammy and Jack and they'd have a guys week, but by the end of the week, he needed a but one on one attention.

Jacob: Jacob would come home from wherever he was, and be super loud and hyper because of whatever. And he'd walk in the room and you'd be sprawled out on the bed in a really awkward position, but your cramps didn't hurt, so you went with it. Jacob walked towards the about to grab you hand and you'd snap like 'If you touch me I'll kill you' And you'd just be very convincing about the whole thing, so he'd just realize what was going on. And kinda just leave you alone.

Jack G: I think Jack would be so understanding to your random mood swings. If you got like really mad at him for the smallest things, then afterwards you'd just burst out crying complaining about having no friends because you're a bad person. And he'd just let you hug him, and cuddle and just really be there for you. Because he knows if he is, he knows what he gets after the week ;)

Matt: I think Matt would be really sweet about it, like at first he would not even talk about it, but then after you two had been dating a while, he'd be like really sweet. He'd run out and get you anything you needed and anything you wanted. But he would like never admit this to anyone, like ANYONE. Because he would think that's like that least likely thing a man can do. But he would be super cute about it :)

Hayes: The little shit would ignore you and not talk to you for a week, because all the child would do is laugh.

Taylor: I have a strong feeling that Taylor and you would have a very joke relationship, and you'd always tease each other, and it'd be very cute and silly. Until that week of hell. Where the first time he teased you, you would get super pissed and like not talk to him. Like he would have to bribe you with chocolate.

Nash: So Nash would know you were on your period, then you'd get like super horny. And be all over that. But then you realize you can't even do anything with him.. and you'd just be a mess in his arms, crying, yelling, but mostly just trying to get him to bang him to bang you in the shower. Horny period ladies.

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