Boys as parents

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Cameron: I feel like he would extra caring. You'd be on bed rest as your pregnancy got further and further along. You felt so bad for Cam like he'd have to chase after your 4 year old all day and somehow manage to cook and clean for them both. All you could hear was your little boy, Casen, yelling and his little footsteps echoing in the hall. "Casen Evan! Your mom doesn't like it when you run! Please don't!" Cam screamed after him. You laughed and got up, waddling your way to the door. You opened it and looked out slowly. Casen was naked and food was all over everywhere. You came out and picked up everything real quick, "Cameron, baby," "YN! Get your cute little ass back in that bed! I got this!" he ran up the stairs and swooped you up and laid you down kissing you softly. "I can do this babe." he smiled. "I believe in you, baby, but Casen doesn't, and if i'm not mistaken thats the back door opening." you laughed as Cameron ran out "Casen Evan Dallas!! Get back in here!"

Nash: He'd be that cool dad that everyone would want. Your little 7 year old was having his very first sleepover party with his friends from school. "No girls allowed, mommy! Girls are nasty." he said pushing you out of the way when you answered the door for his friends. His friends moms laughed as you introduced everyone. Nash took Noah and his friends to the backyard where laughter and failed tent attempts was all that could have been heard. "Snacks, anyone??" you came out leaning against the door. Nash hurried and jumped up retrieved the snacks and gave you a quick kiss before shutting you back in the house. You shook your head with a laugh. Eventually, you headed off to sleep with Nash watching over the boys. You got up around 6 to head off for work when you see Nash and a huddle of 7 year olds playing violent video games surrended by sugary snacks and red bulls. "Noah, whatever you do, don't tell your mother about this, she'd kick my ass." they all laughed. "Consider it done, Hamilton." you glared at him walking over to the door. "Ooohhh!!" Noah and his friends laughed.

Matt: He'd be so caring omfg and he'd just love you while you're in your mother mode. You would be cleaning up the kitchen after cooking dinner while Matt puts your baby girl to sleep. He'd sneak by down the stairs watching you with a smile on his face. "What are you smiling at, Matthew?" you look at him confused. "My beautiful wife." he said sweetly and walked to you and kissed you sweetly. You smiled. "Aw, i love you babe" he sat you up on your newly washed counters and kissed you hands on your thighs. "Mm, Matthew Lee what do you think you're doing??" you hummed playing with the back of his hair. He smirked against your neck "Fucking my beautiful wife on the counters she'd just cleaned." a blush crept onto your cheeks "Matthew! Isabel will wake up... No.." he kissed you again "Too late, it's happening now, deal with it." he kissed you again, just as he hands slid up your shirt Isabel started crying. You smiled as did he "Get used to it, Espinosa, this is our life for a couple years." "And I wouldn't have it any other way." he smiled big and headed up to Isabel's room.

Taylor: He would be a little careless, he wanted his children to have a fun life. He'd be their best friend, because he knew how hard life could be. "Don't tell your mother about this, Michael, or so help us god.." Taylor spoke down to your 12 year old son. "Don't tell me what??" you spoke rounding the corner. "Oh shit.. Nothing babe." he smiled. "Yeah, mom, i'm a good kid, you know this." Michael smiled at you, looking just like his dad. "No you aren't, you're Taylor Caniff's son, now what did you two do??" you looked between them both. Michael looked up to Taylor and he shook his head no. You glared at Michael, "Tell me or you're grounded for a week with no electronics." "Mom! Dad!" he looked up at Taylor. "1..2.." you started "Okay! Dad let me drive the Corvette around! He even let me push 90!" Michael confessed in a hurry. You raised an eyebrow. "You're fucking dead, Caniff." you said glaring at them both. "Which one?" questioned Michael looking between you and Taylor, "Both." you gave them both the best evil mom glare you could. "Son, run." Taylor said as they both took off running.

Carter: He'd get anything and everything his little princess could ever want. Matching outfits, shoes, beanies, everything. It's not like she needed it, they were twins already. "Babe! Look what Elowyn did today!" he brought her in there and laid her flat on the ground, she grunted a few times and eventually rolled over. "Awwww! My little baby is growing up so fast!" you cooed and scooped her up and hugged her tight. She pulled on your hair and turned around to her dad and smiled at him blowing spit bubbles. "She's such a daddy's girl. Its not fair." you laughed and pouted handing her over to Carter. "Yeah, just like her momma, daddy's girl." he smirked and slapped your ass. You gasped "Carter!" he laughed and smirked.

Jack J: His little princess would be just like him. In every way. And god, did Johnson love it. "Momma! I made a friend today! Her name is Grace too!!" your little girl, Grace ran up to you and hugged you after coming home from school. "Hm, sounds like her dad huh? Making friends with her same name.." Jack spoke up hanging her bookbag in the door way. "Shut it, Jack. Tell me all about her, hon." you picked her up and took her to the kitchen fixing her lunch. Johnson walked up and took her, "I love my girls, you two mean the world to me." he smiled ad kissed Grace's forehead and your lips, he whispered in your ear "Since Grace is my mini-me, after she's asleep we can start working on making you a mini-me." he kissed your ear and then walked off with Grace, "Hey, lets call uncle Jack and he can come and get you and you can tell him all about your new friend Grace!" they both cheered and you bit your lip excited for what will come.

Jack G: He'd be that dad that would be overprotective yet melt when its just him and his princess around. His little girl, Finnley, had him wrapped around her little finger and she knows it. You had sent him out to pick up some basic milk and eggs and he came back with 4 new dresses and 3 bags of candy with a giggling Finnley on his back. "Jack! What's all this?" he sighed "I just can't say no to her, babe.. She's my little Princess." he smiles sweetly and sets all the stuff down, including Finnley. "If she's your princess, does that make me your queen?" you said biting your lip a little. "Of course, baby." he walked over to you and kissed your neck and whispered seductively in your ear "My sexy ass queen that i'm gonna make scream later." you gasped a little. "Hey, Fin, you wanna go have a play date with Uncle Jack and little Gracie??" you called out while Jack kissed your neck one last time "YEAAHH!" she yelled. "I even got new princess dresses!" she screamed throwing the bags around looking for them.

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