Teen Pregnancy

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You have been avoiding Hayes for two weeks now. Ignoring his phone calls and text. When you see him in the halls you go the other. You know form both Nash and Hayes text messages and voice mails that this is breaking him. But you couldn't tell him yet, you cant tell him you're pregnant. You're both 14 and you only had sex one time.

    You were laying in bed thinking about how this will change your lives forever. You didn't even notice you were crying till you felt a hand wipe it away. You turned toward the hand startled to find Hayes standing there.

  "Y/N why are you avoiding me, did I do something wrong? Tell me what I did because i need you back in my life."

 You stood there not knowing what to do or what to say but you did know that it was now or never to tell him.

 "I'm pregnant, Hayes."

 The color drained from his face and you thought he was going to leave you. The next thing you know you felt his strong hands wrap around skinny brown waist saying over and over again in you ear that he was here and he wasn't going anywhere.


   You haven't seen Carter for four months because he was on tour and visiting some friends.In those four months you found out you were pregnant and was already showing.

    Today Carter was finally coming home and since he hasn't seen you in so long he wanted you to pick him up. You didn't know how to tell him that you were pregnant so you put on an over sized sweater to try and conceal your growing stomach.

   By the time you got to the air port, you saw that Carter plane was still not there so you waited by the plane pick up.Waiting for 20 minutes Carter plane had finally landed. You stood there with so much fear and excitement.

   Before you can see Carter he came running to you and engulfed you into a huge hug. He know something was wrong when he let you go so suddenly.

 "Whats wrong Carter"

  " Whats on your stomach its like almost poking me"

  He then lifted up your over sized sweater. You know by the scared look on his face that the was something that he didn't plan. 

  He grasped you in his arms and you know even if both of you were scared this was something that both of you will be in this together.


    Every time Nash would ask you on a date you would say you were sick or not feeling well. The reason was that you were three months pregnant but you were both 16. You can barely take care of Sky now we have to take care of someone for the next 18 years. What if Nash left you along during this.  you know how it is to grow up in a single parent house hold and you didn't want your child to grow up like that.

    Standing in front of the mirror you lifted your shirt just enough to see you brown stomach growing into a bump. You put your hands on it, smiling at the fact that you and Nash's kid was growing in there.


  You turned around startled, forgetting to put down your shirt. His eyes went straight to you stomach and tears started to form in his eyes.

   "All week I was trying to find out why you have been avoiding me but it all makes sense now You cheated it on me and got pregnant."

  'Nash I swear i didn't cheat i would near, you're the only person i ever had sex with him i swear" You said as tears poured heavily out of your dark brown eyes. 

   You thought that he was going to walk out that door and leave you but he run up to you and pulled you into a passionate kiss.


Knocking on the door of your ex-boyfriend door was probably the scares thing in your life. Wait maybe the second because you about to tell him your pregnant with his child.

  You only have to knock twice before the door opens revealing a very tired Nash. Seeing you here he was surprised since you and Cam broke up 2 months ago.

  "Hey Nash i kinda need to talk to Cam."

   With out saying much he let you in. He didn't have to tell you where anything because you know this place like the back of your hand. You go start to Cam room and see a sleeping figure on the bed. There were tissues everywhere so you know he took the broke just as bad as you did. You didn't want to walk him up so you took a seat in the nearest chair and waited for him to wake up.


   I woke up with someone shaking me. I was confused as to where I am till I say an even more confused Cam standing there shaking me awake. I saw his tear stained face and red blood shot eyes. I touched his cheek and he shivered. 

   "What are you doing here, Y/N?"

     " I think we need to talk Cam. I know that we broke up two months ago but I-m pregnant Cam and I'm so scared." You burst  into the tears that you were holding back.

    Cam was crying too but grabbed you in to an almost tight embrace. 

       " I'm never letting you go again, you or our baby. I Love you and always will" Cam said into your ear while rubbing your back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2015 ⏰

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