Nash Grier Imagine

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"Hey guys!", Nash waved at the camera and smiled. "Welcome to my new video. I got a lot of requests to do a video with my beautiful girlfriend (Y/N)." He looked at me and I waved at the camera.

"Hey guys!", I said and Nash chuckled. 

"I thought that was good idea, so I asked you guys to ask us questions with the hashtag #AskNashand(Y/N) and we're going to answer some of them. Let's get started!" Nash looked down at his phone and read out the first question. "Where did you take (Y/N) for your first date and how was it?"

I laughed a little remembering our first date and everything that went wrong. "Well...", Nash trailed off. "I wanted our first date to be memorable, so I took her to the beach for dinner and a walk afterwards. And let's say... it definitely was memorable, but not in the way I wanted it to be. I spilt my drink all over her dress at the dinner and I actually thought that she would hate me after this and that I had ruined everything, but (Y/N) just went to the bathroom, cleaned it up and kinda gave me a second chance. And as if the drink incident hadn't been bad enough, it also started to rain when we were walking on the beach. Therefore we were soaking wet when we returned to (Y/N)'s house.", Nash explained and I laughed at his words. Our first date. It really was memorable. 

"Alright, next question. Oh, that's a good one. Who said "I love you" first?", Nash read and looked at me, smiling. I cleared my throat. 

"The first "I love you" came from Nash actually. The story behind it is quite funny. I was at home, cleaning the apartment and Nash and the other boys were out somewhere. When I clean I have to listen to music or else I'll get really bored. So I put on some music and sang along and danced like crazy. The music was so loud that I didn't hear Nash coming home and he just stood in the doorframe and watched me dance and sing for like 5 minutes before I even noticed him. And then I felt embarrassed, but Nash just walked up to me and hugged me and said: 'Don't be embarrassed. I love it when you sing. And I love you.' And there it was.", I said and smiled widely. "It kinda slipped out and then I started to panic because I thought I freaked her out, but she said 'I love you, too' and yeah, that's the story of the first 'I love you'.", Nash added with a smirk plastered on his face.

"Next question. Who is the messiest?" 

"That'll have to be Nash.", I said and Nash shook his head in disbelief. "It's definitely not me! You guys should see the floor in our bedroom. It's covered in (Y/N) clothes and shoes and whatever.", he said and I laughed.

"Well, that might be true, but have you seen the bathroom lately? Like, how can you even make such a mess in the bathroom?", I asked and Nash nudged my shoulder. 

"I would say we're both equally messy. Don't you think?", he said and I nodded. "I think we are."

"Next question. What do you argue most about?" I thought about it for a moment. "Probably making food. We're quite a hungry couple and therefore who makes food is an important topic.", I said and Nash nodded. "Agreed. We don't argue much though. Thank god. And when we do it's usually about something stupid."

He looked back down at his phone. "Alright. Last question. What do you love most about each other?" 

"There are a lot of things that I love about Nash, but if I had to pick one it's probably how he always makes me laugh. Even if I have the worst day ever or I'm just not feeling good he always makes me smile and that's something I'm really grateful for.", I said and smiled. 

"Aw, you're making me blush.", Nash said jokingly and I playfully hit his arm. 

"It's so hard to pick one thing that I love most about (Y/N) because there are a lot, but I'd say she's the most amazing girl I've ever met in my life. She's so caring and I know I can tell her everything and she will understand me. I'm glad to have her in my life.", he said. I blushed and looked at the floor with a huge smile on my face. 

"That's it for this week's video. I really hope you liked it and thank you so much for all the questions you've sent us. Make sure to subscribe and other than that... See you next week! Bye!" 

Interracial Magcon PreferencesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora