He cheats and you leave him

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Nash: It was Friday night and the boys had been wanting to go clubbing for weeks. You weren't feeling well lately and decided to just let Nash go out and have some fun instead of ruining his plans. "You sure you don't want me to stay babe?" he asked. You smiled at him and shook your head "no you go have fun". Nash smiled at you and kissed your head as he walked out the door getting in the car with the guys. You woke up a few hours later realizing you had dozed off in the couch, as you looked around you checked the time and saw that it was 3:30 in the morning and Nash was still not back. You got worried and grabbed your phone calling Nash, once it send you to voicemail you decided to Call Cam. "Hey y/n wharf's up?" he sounded sleepy. "Um Cam i'm sorry to call you but um is Nash with you?" The line wen't silent. "Cam?" you asked. "Y/n Nash and I left the club two hours ago, he said he had to go meet a friend." A friend? "Thanks Cam, Night" You heard Cam sigh "Whatever he did y/n i'm sure he'll regret it tomorrow." "Yeah me too." You logged into twitter and typed in his name trying to see if his fans had spotted him anywhere, and once you saw at least 50 pictures of him all over some girl you decided that was enough. You ran up to the room you both shared and angrily threw some clothe into a bag. You took the notepad that was in your nightstand and grabbed a pen leaving Nash a note 'I hope you and your friend had fun, don't bother looking for me - y/n'

Cameron: It was almost your one year anniversary with Cameron and you couldn't be more excited. You knew he was very busy filming for his new movie  and had to go out of town so you decided to be a good girlfriend and surprise him. You had talked to Nash earlier and agreed on picking you up from the airport at noon so you could surprise your boyfriend in the studio. You had it all planned out, you'd surprise him and then hand him the new camera you got him, you knew he had been wanting this one for a while now and he never got the chance to buy it. Once your plane arrived you received a message from Nash who was waiting outside baggage claim for you, once you spotted him you ran to him and gave him a big hug. "Nashy! i haven't seen you in a while" Nash laughed and hugged you back "Damn y/n you're a little too excited, you looking to get some tonight?" he said while wiggling his eyebrows. You rolled your eyes and took the bag that was waiting for you and walked into the car. "So does he have the slightest idea?" you asked. Nash shook his head "No as a matter of fact he was just about to send flowers to get delivered to your house, which by the way you should warn someone about before they die" You laughed and looked out the window not being able to contain your excitement. Once you reached the studio Nash lead the way in, you could tell they were done filming and looked for Cam's trailer. You were right outside and nervously looked at Nash before opening the door until you couldn't. You froze when you heard the conversation from the other side of the door. "I-I can't do this anymore Lia it isn't fair to y/n or Jc this has been going on for far too long" you heard Cam say. You looked at Nash and pressed your ear to the door. "But Cam i love you, and you know you love me too these have been the best two months i've ever had and let's face it you haven't even mentioned y/n once" Lia answered back. holy crap two months?! "y/n i think we should go" Nash whispered. You could feel the tears forming but you weren't going to let that stop you. You furiously opened the door and looked at Cam dead in the eye which caught him completely off guard. "Y-Y/N what are you doing here?" Cam asked "I WAS HERE TO SURPRISE YOU FOR OUR ONE FUCKING YEAR BUT YOU KNOW WHAT YOU CAN FORGET ABOUT US CAUSE YOU BLEW IT CAMERON" the tears were already out and you knew they weren't going to stop until you calmed down. You looked at Nash who gave you an understanding look and left the studio leaving Cameron standing speechless. He was the one you had trusted with your heart, and the one who broke it.

(A/N: WOAH Guys that one was longer than i thought)

Taylor: When you first started dating Taylor you knew that a relationship with him also meant a relationship with rumors but you always tried your hardest to ignore the hate and lies sent your way because he made you happy. It was Sunday afternoon and you were alone at home, your parents were gone for the weekend and you hadn't seen taylor in a while since your parents didn't really like him around. It's not that they didn't like Taylor personally, they just didn't like the image of him. You weren't going to let them stop you from seeing him so you texted him as soon as you had the house to yourself. 'Babe i miss you x -y/n' You texted him. Seconds later you got a reply 'Aw baby i miss you too, but i'm sick and i don't want you to catch anything, see you next week? :( -Tay' You sighed and put your phone back in our pocket. You really were looking forward to spending some time with your boyfriend, so getting a little sick didn't bother you. You got in your car and drove to the store to buy some chicken soup, as you made your way into Taylor's drive way you too out your spare keys and made your way inside. You stopped mid way when you heard a giggly giggle and a trail of clothing that lead to his room. "Are you sure she doesn't know?" you heard her say. "Yes she doesn't know" Taylor answered. You were fuming. you grabbed the soup and walked into his room where they both layed naked. They weren't facing your way so they still had no idea you were inside. You grabbed the soup and threw it at both of them. "What the fuck?!" Taylor yelled and his face softened when he saw you "Y/N oh my god i swear this is not what it looks like." "Please Taylor enlighten me what does this look like to me then?" Taylor was about to answer you but you just couldn't stand being inside his room where he was naked with some other girl "You know what i don't even care we're done" You ran out of his room and got into your car pulling out of the drive way before he had the chance to chase you. You tried your hardest to hold the tears in but it wasn't working. Guess your parents were right, he was the kind of boy you should've stayed away from. (A/N: i know throwing hot soup seems kinda harsh but let's pretend it wasn't hot enough to seriously burn him)

Shawn: You weren't used to seeing your boyfriend like this, so drawn by fame. You felt like as if all the popularity was changing him. Of course he wouldn't admit to it and every time you brought it up he would deny it or say you were just being paranoid. You got fed up with it and decided to just keep your mouth shut instead. You were backstage in the Austin Mahone concert, Shawn was about to perform as an opening and Becky and him were rehearsing some lyrics. Their friendship always kind of bothered you but you didn't want to add jealousy onto the list of things you were being 'Paranoid' about so you just let it go. She wasn't really fond of you and you weren't fond of her but you made it work for Shawn by playing friendly. You sighed as you checked your watch seeing that there was only 5 minutes before Shawn made his way to the stage. You decided to wish him good luck and walked towards him but were caught off guard when you saw Becky dive in for a kiss, what shocked you was the fact  that he actually kissed back. You stood there waiting for him to notice you and once he finally did his eyes grew wide. "Y/N nononono you weren't supposed to see that we uh this uh isn't oh my god.." You shook your head and let the tears fall "Just admit it Shawn, admit you changed, for the love of god just own up to it" Shawn stayed quiet. "I take that as a yes then?" you said while wiping the tears of your face "This wasn't going to workout anyways, from the minute you made top charts you changed into a different person, and you just aren't the Shawn i fell in love with." You gave him a while to process what you just said but nothing seemed to come out. "Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome Shawn Mendes!" they called out. Shawn walked towards the stage and then back at you but you had already been making your way out to the exit.

Aaron: I'm sorry guys i just can't picture him cheating 

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