How he asks to be your girlfriend

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        You wake up to a note and he gives you all these clues that you have to find and the last one leads to him and he's holding a sign that says " Will you be my beautiful and amazing girlfriend (Y/N)?"


        He asks you out while he is on tour with Nash on stage in front of all his fans while he'e vining this spectacular moment.


        You are out at dinner and when you guys are waiting for your dessert he gets on one knee and asks and kisses your hand soflty.


        He asks you by singing to you an then dances with you.


        He writes "Will you be my girlfriend?" in red lipstick in your mirror.

Jack G-        

        Takes you out to a Husker football game and asks you two get featured on the big screen.

Jack J-

        You come over for family dinner and when everyone is done eating he asks you in front of his family.


        He changed the name in your phone to "Will you be my girlfriend (Y/N)?" and then he leaves and calls you and when you see it he walks in and you run to him and give him a hug.


        He writes "Will you be my girlfriend (Y/N)?" in the side of his Lamborghini and when he picks you up for your date you see it and kiss him like you haven't seen him in months.

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