Chapter 8: New Rules

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The next morning, Jin woke up to the sound of a silvery melody being hummed and a warm blanket draped around his shoulders. Disoriented, he slowly sat up, rubbing his eyes as he took in his surroundings. His eyes landed on a boy swinging his legs back and forth while sitting on the edge of a small bed.


The blanket fell to the ground as he rushed to his feet, causing the humming to stop as the boy turned to look at him.

"You're awake, good morning, Jin-ssi."

Jin-ssi? So, it isn't him...

"Good morning to you too, how is he?"

"He is fine, but he doesn't want to miss a day of work while he rests, so he forced me to take over."

The boy hopped off the bed, landing lightly on his feet before turning to look at Jin with a bright smile that was everything but genuine, "It has been quite a while, a few years if I remember correctly."

"Don't do anything reckless, we don't want others to find out that you aren't him."

"Oh, you don't have to worry about me Jin-ssi, but if there is something I don't agree with," the boy's honey-colored orbs flashed a neon purple and his voice deepened, "I will not just sit around and do nothing."

"I still don't know your name."

"I have many names, call me what you want, I'm supposed to be a demon after all so why should it matter? In the end, I will just be remembered as that, a demon."

Jin finished fixing the room they stayed in and beckoned the boy to follow him, his once purple eyes returning to their normal honey color as he got ready to play his part. The building was quiet, not many people belonging to the morning shift have arrived, but those who were already seated merely said their good mornings and went back to work.

"So, he's become a partner? Hah, never thought he would end up working for the ones who locked us up."

Jin simply hummed as they continued walking towards squad one's working space where a relieved Jimin instantly latched himself onto the now awake boy. He pulled away and ran his hands all over his face, making sure he wasn't dreaming, and that's when something stood out. Something feels off. He stared at Taehyung, hard, trying to find something. Jimin didn't know what he was looking for, but he knew exactly when he had found it.


"You aren't him."

The small boy smiled, his eyes turning into crescents, "My oh my, it seems like we have a rather bright one in here. It's an honor to meet you again Jimin-ssi, it has been ages."

Leaving Jimin perplexed, the blond then looked over to the man standing behind the previously mentioned and greeted him as well, "Yoongi-ssi, I owe you my life, it's good to see you after so long."

Both males turned to look at Jin, eyes expectant. Jin, of course, didn't bother beating around the bush as he blurted, "He's the demon. He won't reveal his name, but you can call him what you like. He'll be stepping in for the time being so please watch over him."

Jimin and Yoongi both nodded, albeit a bit unsure, as Jin bid them farewell. As soon as Jin left, someone new walked through the door and his words caught in his throat as the conversation he had last night replayed itself in his head the second he saw the blond back on his feet.


The boy turned to the source of the question. With great scrutiny, the blond raked his eyes over the tall, well-built man and without saying a word, completely ignored him and went to his seat, leaving the latter shocked at the entrance. Jimin and Yoongi held back a snicker, ignoring the glare Jungkook gave them. At his seat, the blond stared at the computer for a while, slightly lost at what he was supposed to do. He knew being forced to do this wasn't going to be in his favor, but the kid could have explained how everything worked.

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