Chapter 28: I Don't Want to Hear Them

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The nightmare from that morning disappeared from Jungkook's thoughts for a while. Long enough for him to be able to close his eyes and not see his mother's battered body or dead eyes. For the most part, he was stuck thinking about Taehyung. He really doesn't understand how he didn't think about knocking, how could he forget the fact that he lives with someone?

He blow-dried his hair, tugging on it every time he thought about how dumb he was. When he deemed himself dry enough, he slipped into his clothes, reveling in their feeling of warmth and comfort. Looking at himself in the mirror one last time, Jungkook reached for his hairbrush, nearly dropping it when he heard a loud crash. The brush was now gripped in his hands, his body momentarily freezing as he processed what he just heard. Something broke. Something broke and the only other person in the house was Taehyung.


Jungkook threw the door open, eyes scanning the available sights. Everything seemed normal, but the slightly open door of Taehyung's room made him feel uneasy.

"Taehyung? Are you in there?"

He pushed the door open, finding it empty. Taehyung was gone. He was sure the blond had walked into his room after their ordeal. After something like that, Jungkook is sure the youth wouldn't want to be anywhere else, but the bed was neatly made, and the pillows looked untouched.

 He walked out of their bedroom's hallway, into the living room, finding it empty. Had he left? That's not possible, he's not familiar with the streets, he'd get lost instantly. Jungkook walked forward, coming to a stop at the entrance to the kitchen, eyes scanning his surroundings until they landed on what he believed made the loud noise.

Shards of broken glass.

He neared the white porcelain, feeling on edge at the fact that no one else was present but him. At least, that's what he thought, but when he tiptoed around the counter, his heart almost stopped. 

His roommate was sprawled out on the floor, bloody hands clutching either side of his head as he writhed in what Jungkook could only guess was an uncomfortable pain but, strangely enough, no sounds were heard. He was silent but his eyes were out of focus, and they flashed from their natural color to that vibrant shade of purple.


The shards of glass were disregarded as Jungkook kneeled before the younger, hands reaching out to touch him only for them to be slapped away with a desperate cry.


Jungkook flinched back, not knowing what to do. Taehyung had yelled at him. He actually yelled at him. Not that slight rise of his voice that only made him sound louder than a whisper, but softer than a scream. This time, his voice actually grew in volume and even left him speechless. That's never happened before. He didn't know what was going on. He tried approaching him again, but that only made Taehyung move away and cry out again. Jungkook felt helpless.

"Taehyung? Hey, calm down, okay? What's going on, what happened?"

He spoke and spoke and tried to approach in a million different ways, but he simply couldn't. Taehyung wouldn't let him get close and wouldn't respond to a word he said. He can't get through to him. What should he do? Was Taehyung in danger? Could he die right now? Was this going to turn into the same situation that happened all those years ago? Was he going to lose someone else?

"Tae-Taehyung, what do I do? What's happening!?"

The younger gasped for air as he pulled on his blond locks, barely managing to mutter out his words coherently.

"Vo-Voice... J-Jin-Hyung, ca-call him.. HURRY!" His voice fluctuated, shifting from his to the Spirit's as he writhed on the floor, tears painting his face.

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