Chapter 59: Yell

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His body seized up. The touches changed in intensity as their lips continued locking and his apprehension only grew as flashes of different instances in his life ran across his dazed eyes. 

He saw them again. 

He felt the pressure against his skin. 

He heard them again.

This shouldn't be happening.

There was no reason for him to be remembering these things when the one touching him was the person he liked. Jungkook wasn't going to hurt him, his hands weren't going to slice his skin and make him bleed. His hands weren't going to hold him down, force his mouth open and drug him until he went unconscious and numb. His hands weren't covered by latex gloves or holding scalpels and metal clippers. They weren't, but he couldn't stop the fear that swallowed him whole and blocked out the picture of his boyfriend trying to be intimate with him as per his request.

Instead, he was replaced by the scientists that had held him captive for hours and days on end while his blood ran down the straps, bed, and floors of the lab. He heard the cries, the yells, the laughs, the reprimanding that followed a second of disobedience. He felt the burn of his skin, the ripping of his nails, the bone crushing tightness of the restraints, the rawness of his sore throat and gagged mouth.

It was too much.

His hazy eyes shot wide open, blood running cold as the blond pushed Jungkook away with all the strength he could muster, chest heaving in quick short breaths. His heartbeat was ringing in his ears, and everything seemed to become distorted, head filling with fog as everything became a blurred mess. A need to find something to latch on to overcame him. His hands scrambled to find something to hold on to, something that would hopefully provide some sort of comfort, but he was too shaky and too disoriented to find anything. Amongst the chaos, Jungkook's voice filtered through. It was what he had told him earlier. With the little coordination left in him, Taehyung let his voice break through. One loud and stuttered yelp dissolved the lustful atmosphere in milliseconds.


Everything froze.


Jungkook's hands halted the first time he heard their safe word. It was startling but the second time he heard the word, it sounded desperate and hurried. Only when he had properly snapped out of it all did Jungkook notice how stiff and corpse-cold the blond had become. His eyes searched for his partner's, softening when the pools of unfocused honey seemed to tremble. He quickly scanned the rest of the boy, seeing the way his hands seemed to search for something while his unfocused eyes struggled to settle on something and the dangerously quick breaths he was taking made his whole body shudder.

He was scared. He's panicked.

Carefully reaching out for the boy's grabby and shaky hands, Jungkook let his finger prod at the open palm, stilling when the latter had pulled back instantly. He waited patiently before doing the same thing again, getting a slightly similar reaction only this time, Taehyung tried searching for the thing that had touched his hand and Jungkook allowed the boy to warily touch his finger. The blond's lips twitched, but his words never made it out. Even so, his hands had latched on to Jungkook's, trembling and clammy, but tight in their grip. Taehyung didn't stop searching though, his head moving frantically every so often. It was like he was expecting something to come at him. Jungkook didn't know where he should try and touch him again, but the way his head would jerk, and loll looked painful. 

With cautious movements, Jungkook lowered the hand holding his finger slowly, letting it rest on the bed while Jungkook's other hand slowly traced over the boy's jawline, settling on his cheek as he steadied his moving head. Taehyung flinched again, eyes frantically searching his surroundings, but he was momentarily blind. He pulled back, settling into the touch like a scared cat after its approached by a random person. Jungkook remained patient, observing the boy silently, calming down ever so slightly when Taehyung could breathe without gasping and wheezing. 

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