Chapter 27: Short Lived Serenity

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The air in the arena suddenly changed. Those on the floor were still fighting, but one of the four felt completely deaf as he stood, knees slightly bent and hands slightly spread, palms up as he slowed his breathing. The blond was trying to block out everything going on around him. He focused on his breathing and zeroed in on what he wanted to use. He was going against an archer; a demon bird who still had the proper training to fight in hand-to-hand combat. He had numerous skills in his arsenal, he just had to choose two that would allow him to defend and attack.

He exhaled slowly through his mouth, not knowing how this combination would work in his favor, but willing to take that risk. His hands twitched slightly as he tried channeling both powers to either one of his hands.


A tingling sensation spread throughout his left arm, reaching all the way to his fingertips as a glove covered his hand and a sudden sharpness filled his ears. The blond fought back a small smile, not wanting to break the concentration. He took another deep breath, and exhaled like before, finding the name he wanted to call.


The same feeling spread throughout his right arm as a fan placed itself in his hand, the weight making it bob as his grip and stability accommodated the object. With one last breath, he opened his honey eyes, and all sound came flooding back to him in one go. His opponent stood before him, playing with his bow as he smirked, "So, you finally decided to get serious. You took your sweet time; your Officer is close to reaching his end."

"I'm so-sorry I took so long, but I... I won't let you win."

With a snap of his fingers, he managed to come in close enough to send a punch at Yoongi with his left hand, missing his body entirely, but that was fine. That was the point. Blind to the change, Yoongi hadn't realized that Taehyung had magnified the sound waves as he feigned a punch so when he felt something bubbling up from inside of him, he stared bewildered at the blond. Harsh coughing filled the arena as drool made its way onto Yoongi's pale skin. He fell to his knees, losing his balance, heaving hard breaths as he glared at the younger, not expecting something like that at all.

Taehyung had messed with the sound waves enough to mess with Yoongi's lungs, but not enough to the point where he'll cause permanent damage. It was difficult getting the right modifications, he almost lost the fan in the process of concentrating on the sound, but he regained his reign on both and now, he gained new knowledge. He can do this. He can keep both powers flowing and not lose one of them while using the other.

Yoongi stood on wobbly legs, bringing his bow up and loading it with an arrow, taking aim. The bow looked bigger than before and the glowing arrow didn't sit well with the blond. It made him feel uneasy.

"Alright, playtime's over. Let's get down to business."

He let it go, watching it soar and come closer to the blond, only to be deflected and buried on the sand, exploding right after. Now Taehyung was glad he had flicked it away, or else he's sure he would have gotten a burn aside from a cut. The younger flicked his right wrist, fan opening as it was directed at the ground. He smoothly rose the fan, a piece of the ground rising with it. It wasn't the ideal size, but it was close enough. If he tried being more exact, his grip on Lydian's power would loosen and that's what he wants to avoid. Taehyung professionally closed the fan as it was pointed at Yoongi, hearing the piece of earth zoom forward. It was pierced by an arrow that cracked it to pieces. The ground shook as the younger laid his left hand against the floor and Yoongi stumbled, trying to keep his balance. The shaking wouldn't allow him to shoot again, Taehyung knew that, so he disrupted his stability and proceeded to make the dirt floor rise in a well-sized wave, bringing the read-head to his knees. He wanted Yoongi to fall back, not forward, but something is better than nothing.

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