Chapter 30: I Can't Carry This Anymore

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Jin had talked to the men about what the younger told him earlier in the morning via text messages throughout his work. What Taehyung remembered and the words he recalled were reason enough for everyone to be worried about him. They all shared the worry, but they had agreed to do anything they could to stop any more damage from being done. Telling Kalon about Taehyung was still too risky, but it was saved as a last resort in case anything really bad happened. For now, all they could do was check in with him regularly and as subtle as humanly possible. He left them with a small thumbs up emoji as he sighed and went off to get rid of his lab coat.

"Taehyung-ah, are you ready?"

He walked into the room, finding the young boy cranking the lever of his music box in endearing fascination. Any harder and he fears the music box might not survive for much longer. Jin observed him for a while before clearing his throat, making Taehyung jump with a small shriek.


"Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," he chuckled, earning a small glare from Taehyung. He nodded towards the open door and the blond picked up his box and small bag of clothes, jogging to Jin.

"I'm ready."

The doctor drove the younger to Jungkook's place, noticing how impatient the boy was as he stared out the window. He smiled to himself, turning up the radio a bit more and humming along to whatever was playing. Taehyung had bounced out of the car the second Jin had parked and he would've sprinted to the door if Jin hadn't held on to his hand. With a shake of his head and a laugh, Jin walked him to the door and knocked, waiting for Jungkook to come to the door.

He should be home by now, what's taking so long?

Jin was going to knock again when the wooden apparatus finally creaked open.


Jungkook stood at the doorway, hair disheveled, and obvious eye bags present. Taehyung peeked out from behind Jin and gasped at how horrible Jungkook looked, burying his face into his Hyung's back to avoid staring. Jungkook saw Taehyung and smiled a small, tight-lipped smile, earning a forced one in return when the boy peeked out again.

"Are you okay, Jungkook-ah? You don't look too good," Jin cautiously asked, not sure how to feel about Jungkook's appearance.

Is this how he looked at work? Maybe this is why he didn't come to the hospital today.

Jungkook shook his head, running his fingers through his messy hair as he let Taehyung enter the house after Jin had given him a hug and kiss on the crown of his head. "I'm fine, just the effects of taking care of some paperwork all day."

Jin nodded, unconvinced, but he didn't like poking into other people's lives, so he just smiled warmly at the young man before going back to his vehicle and driving off. Right when he closed the door, Jungkook leaned against it, pinching the bridge of his nose as he felt a slight headache coming on. He felt like shit. He was about to push off the door when he noticed the blond boy standing a few feet away from him, eyes looking him up and down intensely. Jungkook swallowed a lump, and his hands became sweaty. Why was he so nervous all of a sudden?

"Did you g-get any slee-sleep?"

Jungkook tried not to look startled at the random question and nodded slowly, attempting to reassure the younger that he did sleep.

It didn't work.

"Liar," Taehyung whispered, stalking up to the taller male, standing on his toes in order to properly reach his face. The nervousness that had previously surrounded him whenever he was in Jungkook's presence was gone and instead, he seemed more confident in being able to meet the man's hard eyes. 

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