Chapter 29: One of a Kind

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Where... am I?

He looked around with hazy eyes, still feeling sleepy. His ears are ringing, and something is covering his mouth. It feels stuffy, he doesn't like it. His arms feel heavy, his body feels numb. He tried moving my head, feeling it tilt to the side. Machines.

There are machines next to me? I'm on a bed.

He hears slight beeping, the ringing in his ears is gone and the sound of a heart monitor replaced it. His vision focused and he finally recognized where he was. The sound of something being slid made it to his ears, but he didn't feel the need to find out who or what it was.

"You're awake... And you're calm. Oh, thank god, I'm glad."

It was Jin, but why did he say it like that?

I'm calm?

I'm awake?

Jin approached the bed, and Taehyung couldn't help but feel teary-eyed when he finally saw him. Why? He turned away, not wanting to look at him for some odd reason.

"Why... am I-I here?"

His voice. It was muffled, hoarse, and only then did Taehyung realize he had a breathing mask on. He wants to take it off, but his hands won't move. He sluggishly looked towards Jin, waiting for an explanation. Jin leaned in and carefully removed the mask, fixing the bed so the blond was sitting up instead of laying down.

"Taehyung-ah, do you remember anything before now?"

It was a strange sense of déjà vu. Jin had asked him this same question once before and the irony of it all is the fact that he's about to give him the same answer he did back then.

"I... I don't know... N-No? Why am I-I here? Hyung?"

Jin bit his lip, hesitant in answering the question. Taehyung looked at him pleadingly, begging him with his eyes to tell him what happened.

What happened that I had to end up at the ward again? Did I do something again? Did I hurt people again?

"Yesterday morning, Jungkook found you crouched on the ground of the kitchen surrounded by broken glass. When I got there, you were covering your ears and refused to let anyone near you. You wouldn't stop rocking, shaking, and you'd yell at random times, I couldn't get through to you. Your other half couldn't take over either, we had no idea what was going on, but you kept saying you didn't want to hear them."


Jin nodded, looking straight at him, "The voices... You didn't want to hear the voices and the only thing I could do to stop them was put you to sleep. I brought you to the ward, and I already informed Kalon-ssi that you won't be returning until you're stable. I had to sedate you at least three times throughout the span of the remainder of the day yesterday. Every time you woke up, you'd start yelling and crying again, we had to tie you down so I'm glad you were able to wake up well today."

Voices? What voi-

You won't get away again

Are these the voices?

The foolish king will die!

No, this is only one

Calamity will follow wherever you go, you can't escape!

I'll kill you with my own hands, my dear boy

But who is this? Why are they... How? He didn't know.

Taehyung's hands twitched and his heart nearly leapt out of his chest. The heart monitor suddenly started beeping wildly, and his breathing became uneven, heavy. Jin instantly rushed to his side and tried to calm him down.

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