Chapter 61: Now or Never

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In the following days, Khione had filled the men in on some of their realm's customs and history. If they were going to travel to Elysian, then they had to know as much as possible. She tried teaching them some of their language as well, but it didn't work out too well. The only ones who were able to retain the most words were Namjoon and Taehyung. 

"I didn't sign up for school, how can you expect me to learn a new language in the span of a few weeks!?"

"Taehyung did it."

"Taehyung is smart, it doesn't count!"

"And Namjoon too!"

"He doesn't count either!"

"Jungkook, you have no idea how dumb you sound right now."

"Now, now, let's not fight."

Time was ticking and so, the language was overlooked and substituted for more history, custom, and etiquette lessons. Those classes were a lot easier for them, though it does take some getting used to and using Khione and Vil as the people to practice with was nerve-wracking and annoying. 

"Hm, this young master seems to have forgotten who he's in the presence of. I am the King, show respect and properly bow."

"I am!"

"Your hands aren't in the proper position."

"You're just being nitpicky! Khione-ssi, we're doing it right, aren't we?"

"Vil, stop teasing."

By the end of their lessons, they had packed their bags, taking what they think they needed, including their phones, even if they were going to be in a zero-internet and wi-fi zone. They went shopping whenever they could, double and triple checking everything. Those going had already chosen their designated groups, all that was left to do was break the news to Kalon and get out of his office alive and on time to leave with the help of Hye-Jin.

"Y'know, I never thought I'd say this, but Jungkook, you've got quite the build, don't you?"

Jungkook paused his motions, glancing over at the short man across from him with a slight scowl. The others present looked between the two before focusing their eyes on Jungkook, more specifically, his body.

They were eyeing him up as if he were a piece of meat.

"Oi! Quit staring, you creeps!" He growled, proceeding to fix his shoulder braces, ignoring their lingering eyes. He was planning on ignoring them all, but when he felt something tapping at his back and sliding up his abs, he instantly jumped away and got defensive. Meeting eyes with Jimin, Jungkook rose his arms, glaring at him.

The latter rose his hands in mock surrender, shrugging, "Sorry, sorry, but I'm almost sure you've got more boobs than my mom and your stomach's rock hard, not to mention your back is basically perfectly sculpted, just how long have you been working out?"

Jungkook felt his eyebrow twitch, "I don't have boobs, they're my pecks you dimwit! And I've been training since I was fifteen! I've been building stamina since I was thirteen."

"Okay, geez, no need to get all pissy about it," retorted Jimin, pulling a shirt over his head. "Why the shoulder support though? And you've got some on your feet too, why?"

Throwing on a shirt himself, Jungkook grunted at the nosy man, seeing the others start to file out of the changing room. Obviously reluctant to, he answered the elder's questions, "For reducing the impacts and effects of an attack and to help with landing and pushing off. Unlike you guys, I'm not one to heavily rely on help from a weapon. I use my body to fight more than any of you. I'm probably the most physically strong out of all of you and we don't know what that old geezer is capable of; better safe than sorry."

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