Chapter 45: Invisible Guest

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It was tense.

Every time Khione and Jungkook bumped into each other, the air froze but no one dared to question what was going on between them. The few times Vil showed up, everything was quite normal. It seemed like the conversation they had three days ago only left an effect on Jungkook because the Spirit was as haughty and irritating as ever. The only time things went smoothly for everyone was during work hours and that was because Khione doesn't show up and Taehyung stays in control for the majority of the day.

That being said, Jungkook would love if he could just tell the guys what he knows about the Spirit so they could stop agonizing over finding information. Jin is still trying to find out more and the others are also helping in the information hunt, but they've gotten absolutely nowhere. Centuries of living together with other species and they have nothing on Spirits and outside realms; did they go to space for no reason?

"Hey, V?" Jungkook leaned his chin on his hand, staring at the blond sitting across from him. V was looking out the window, avoiding the raven altogether. It was Friday evening, training had ended a few hours ago and Jungkook decided that eating out and walking around with the blond would help as an icebreaker of sorts, but not much has happened.

Trying again, he tapped the boy's leg, "V, why can't I tell the guys about you?"

"It is sensitive information. I warned you ahead of time that you were to keep your lips sealed, no one can know what you know."

"But if they knew then it'd be helpful to us. We'd be able to know who we're going up against, come up with countermeasures, maybe find a way to get to them before they get to us, we need your information V. If they knew about you then maybe you'd be able to get along with the others and patch up any misunderstandings."

Jungkook was met with silence yet again. He's not surprised anymore but if V was able to tell Jungkook, why couldn't he tell the others? It's not like it'll endanger them more, they've already been close to death numerous times and South Korea's cities have already been remodeled at least three times, if not more, in the span of four months.

Why can't he just come clean about everything?

"Are you scared? They're trustworthy, I'm sure they wouldn't blow things out of proportion, and I know they wouldn't mistreat you or hand you in either," he continued, trying to get something out of the other. "They haven't told anyone about Taehyung being half-spirit, Hoseok and Namjoon are happily housing Khione too, they have nothing against any of you. If you can tell anyone then it'd be them."

Unfortunately, he gave up after receiving a glare, taking the last bite out of his ice-cream sandwich. Taehyung had finished his ice-cream cone shortly after they had sat down so V was only left waiting for Jungkook to finish. When he noticed that the young man had finished eating the sandwich, the blond rose to his feet and began walking towards the exit. He momentarily made eye contact with someone a few tables away, a light tingle shocking his body. Jungkook followed after him, noticing his lingering gaze. Following the same line of sight, he found an empty seat.

What was the blond staring at?

Tapping the blond's shoulder, he leaned down, asking, "What are you looking at? Nobody's there."

V furrowed his brows before glancing back at the table, still seeing that same person hiding behind a book. Jungkook couldn't see them? Another shock creeped up his toes. He turned to Jungkook, pulling him out of the shop and into the busy streets, glaring at the person he swore he saw once more. Jungkook stumbled over his feet, looking down at the blond and back at the shop as he tried to gain some sense as to what was going on.

"Hey! V? Slow down, what's going on?"

"Shut up and walk," responded the blond, continuing to pull the man along. The further they walked into the city, the more crowded it got and Jungkook subconsciously searched for the young blond's hand, properly locking them together and pulling him closer only to have his hand pushed away.

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