Chapter 35: Try and Get Along

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"I'm sorry," she shook her head softly. "I'm afraid I can't do that."

Jungkook's hope disappeared as he saw her sympathetic gaze, "Why? Is it possible to find out what it is?"

She nodded, moving her hair from her eyes, "It's his wish to remain unknown, I won't go against it, but I will tell you that he isn't just a simple Spirit, there's more to what he is. As for his name, it's something he found repulsing after a certain point in time, very few know it this time around. To know his name, the most obvious answer is to gain his trust. He isn't one to trust someone so easily, but he remains loyal to those he lets in. It won't be easy, but it'll give you what you want."

Jungkook rolled his eyes, "He's a cocky little bastard, there's no way we'll get along that well."

Khione stifled a laugh, clearing her throat, "Another option is getting the answer from an enemy force." She looked carefully at Jungkook, "Force it out of them without him interfering."

"But didn't you say that very few know his name? How can I be sure that someone or something that came to attack knows his name?"

"Those sent by the one after his head know his name. Without it, they wouldn't know who to go after," she admitted.

"So, I have to gain his trust. The only option that has nothing to do with getting close to him is interrogating an attacker, but that's probably going to be impossible since he's always involved in the fighting."

He fell back onto the sofa's headrest, coming to terms with the fact that he'll never know the Spirit's name. Khione smiled sadly at him, feeling sorry for not being of help to the young boy in front of her.

"It's late, I'll show you where you'll be staying."

Jungkook showed Khione to his room, letting her know she'll have to stay here for the time being. She didn't complain, saying it was just fine. Closing the room door, he faced the door in front of it. As quietly as possible, he peaked his head through the opening of the bedroom door, a wave of relief instantly washing over him when he saw Taehyung sleeping. Jungkook allowed himself to walk inside, keeping as quiet as possible. He's glad he was able to unlock the door, thank God he didn't throw away the key to this room because if he had, then there's no way Jungkook would've been able to move over to Taehyung's room.

When he reached the foot of the bed, Jungkook took a seat on the open space near the blond's feet, carefully pulling the spare blanket over his small body. Jungkook got rid of his own uniform and replaced it with comfortable sweats and a slightly baggy shirt. Now that they have an extra person in the house, Taehyung and Jungkook will have to share a room. The blue-haired man lay beside the blond, tucking himself under the blankets next to him. He stroked his hair, moving his bangs away from his peaceful sleeping face.

My Goldilocks. I want to know you better.

"Who exactly are you, Spirit-ssi?"

The young man didn't bring up the betrayal or their past relationship, but Khione told him as much about him as possible. Even so, Jungkook can't help but be curious about him. Apparently, despite his egotistical character and taunting words, he isn't as bad as what people make him out to be. His whispered question remained unanswered, but Jungkook had already made up his mind. If his questions will receive answers after gaining his trust, then he'll do what he can to make the Spirit trust him.

The next morning, Jungkook woke up to the feeling of added weight on his stomach. He groaned, squinting his eyes as he rubbed and yawned the sleep away. His hands plopped down and Jungkook stayed staring at whatever it is that was sitting on him. Then it spoke. At least, he thinks it spoke.

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