Chapter 42: I'm Ready

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Strewn all over the bed and cuddled up to the sleeping blond, the men didn't dare move. They were comfortable and exhausted, so there was close to no possible way for anyone to get them off the mattress. Yes, they weren't going to move, but that didn't mean they weren't going to talk. Talking was very necessary, especially right now.

"Jungkook, you've seen his scars before?"

The man looked down, ashamed. He let his hair cover his face as he nodded, "Mn. By accident."

"I didn't even know he had any, but I did find the fact that he always wore long sleeves and didn't take his uniform coat off weird, especially when it was burning hot outside," added Hoseok as he traced shapes on Taehyung's forearm.

"Same but I did catch a glimpse of something one time during a joint mission. His uniform jacket got caught on some debris and slipped off his shoulder, I'm pretty sure he was wearing a shoulder brace that covered the open skin, but he pulled it back on in a hurry. I never thought it was because he had scarring," Namjoon recalled.

"I'm more interested in how Jungkook accidentally saw his scars," Jimin voiced, glancing over at the dark-haired man.

"Honestly, you saw them on accident? How?" Yoongi asked with honest curiosity.

"Wait, isn't he supposed to have, like, super-duper fast healing or something? Wouldn't that mean that there'd be no chance of scars being left behind?"

"His healing and regeneration are on a high level, but even then, some wounds are far too deep or big to not leave scars and some of those marks were made when he and the Spirit weren't fully compatible."

"Oh, that makes sense... I think."

Jin rolled his eyes, shaking his head. At the question concerning how he saw the scars, the young man avoided everyone's curious gaze, feeling the heat rise up his neck. He didn't think he'd have to tell anyone about what had happened and he knows he'll get in trouble the second he blurts it out. The teasing would never end, they'd call him names, they won't let him live it down. He can't escape it, so here he goes.

"I-In the bathroom. I forgot to knock and he had just gotten out of the shower so... Yeah."

"Jeon Jungkook?!"

"Who forgets to knock?"

"Especially when you have a roommate!"

Everyone shushed each other, looking over at the still sleeping Taehyung and releasing the tension in their bodies. Then they darted their attention to Jungkook again, eyes glaring and heads shaking. Jungkook regained his normal posture and crossed his arms, slightly glaring at everyone else in return, "I hope you don't bring up the subject or incident when he's around. He's not confident in himself at all, and if any of you decide not to erase his body from your brains, I'll do it myself."

"Oooh~ Jungkook's jelly!" An inhuman sound escaped Hoseok's mouth as he wiggled his eyebrows, nearly getting smacked in the face by Jungkook.

"They aren't even dating yet and he's already getting jealous? Imagine when they actually hook up," Namjoon remarked, not affected by the young boy's glare.

"That's if they hook up."

"Yoongi! You're giving them bad luck," Jimin scolded, lightly punching his boyfriend's shoulder. Jungkook stayed quiet, arms crossed, and an unintentional pout on his lips. Jin watched him carefully, finding it endearing. Jin could notice the changes, he's sure the others could too, and he's glad they aren't mentioning it. The change is one step closer to what Jungkook wants.

All it takes is time.

When Taehyung returned to work and walked into the office, he took a seat at his desk and nearly got a headache at the amount of paperwork idly sitting there. He glanced at Jimin and Yoongi, wanting to be told that his desk was just temporarily being used as a storage place or paper holder but when they simply sat and got to work, he knew all those papers were for him. Some of his fellow workers looked at him sympathetically, feeling bad for the worker with the tall yet slightly diminishing pile of paperwork. By the time Taehyung had finished going through all of them his hands were cramping and ready to fall off.

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