Chapter 17: Gut Feeling

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Taehyung wasn't sure what to do. He just stood there, fidgeting with his fingers as he kept his gaze on the ground. No one spoke for a while; the room was silent. Uncomfortably silent, but soon, everyone in the room launched themselves at the small blond — Everyone excluding Jungkook.

"Oh my god, Tae, we're so sorry! We shouldn't have done what we did, and we should have listened to you and let you explain, we're sorry!!"

They all stepped back, letting the boy breathe as they each apologized separately while Jungkook stood with his arms crossed on his chest.

"It's ok-okay, really, i-it.. it w-wa-wasn't your f-fault. Please s-stop a-ap-apologizing!" Taehyung frantically responded, not enjoying all the attention he was receiving at the moment, a vibrant blush coloring his tan skin.

"Taehyung-ah, why didn't you tell us sooner?"

"Jin's right, you could have told us sooner and we would have avoided the past events."

The small boy chewed on his bottom lip, "I-I would have, bu-but I just recently found out. Ac-Actually, Jungkook-ssi figured it out and... and told m-me."

"Hold up. You're saying that the muscle bunny brat figured it out on his own? I know he said it before but I didn't know he was serious," Jimin dumbfoundedly confessed, portraying everyone's reactions. The blond gave a nod.

"I told you all before," a voice spoke up from behind. "Did you think that the Spirit voluntarily told me everything? I pieced everything together on my own," he remarked with a smug expression.

"Don't get cocky, I still don't like you, Jeon."

"I don't like you either Park, you're the reason I'm limping right now and you haven't even apologized."

"It was a heat of the moment thing, get over it, you can still walk."

Both stared each other down as the rest continued their talk.

"Hey, Taehyung, do you happen to know his name?"

The young boy looked at Hoseok. He shook his head, looking sadly at the chestnut-haired man, "I'm s-sorry Hobi-Hyung, but I don't. I-I don't call hi-him anything, he- he just appears."

"Oh, I thought he was just joking so I asked you, but if you don't know either then I guess what he said is true... Don't you think it's sad that he doesn't have a name?"

"It really is, he has nothing to be called or remembered by. Almost like he has no true identity. Everything and everyone has a name, it's almost impossible not to have one," Namjoon added while Jin simply hummed.

"Let's call it a night, there's no good in dwelling on it, maybe we just need to wait a while longer," Jimin pointed out, grabbing on to Yoongi's arm and tugging him toward their car. The others agreed, going their separate ways.

As they were driving home, Jungkook noticed how Taehyung was slowly nodding off in his seat and soon fell asleep. He came to a stop at a red light and silently admired the boy's features. Carefully, he brushed aside a few strands of hair from the sleeping beauty's face, smiling at how cute he looked right now before returning his gaze to the road and continuing the drive home. Then, he felt stupid. He really needs to stop thinking about the boy in such a way, it's not normal. Not normal for him, at least. He glanced at the still sleeping boy. He's probably exhausted from the day's events. He can still remember the feeling of his arms wrapped around his waist. The warmth his trembling hands had provided as they tried to steady him. Jungkook was supposed to be protecting Taehyung, but it seems the blond was trying to protect him.

Parking the car, Jungkook quietly made his way to the passenger's side and unbuckled the sleeping boy. Jungkook was scared. What if he dropped him? Or what if he woke him up while trying to move him? He didn't want to wake him up. He wanted to let the blond sleep.

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