Chapter 10: A Little Messed Up

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Following the sighting of the Spirit, the S.D.F became as busy as ever but that didn't stop Jungkook from trying to gather information. Despite his efforts, even Jimin avoided his questions about the younger's strange behavior. The only thing Jungkook knew was that the eighteen-year-old boy was the cause of the Daegu disaster a few years prior and has some sort of supernatural blood in his veins. Based on what Jin had said the day the blond fainted, it also seems like his other side presents itself as a different personality. Could that be what had happened? How can he find out more about the boy? Then, it clicked. Kim Taehyung's file.

Surely he would find something there. He never looked through it because he saw it as unnecessary. He didn't need to know anything about the latter because he was only his trump card, nothing else, but it seems he has no other choice. If the people won't answer his questions, then he'll find the answers himself.

When Taehyung and Jungkook were dismissed from work, the elder drove them home, hoping to find his partner's file somewhere in his room where he just threw it and left it there forgotten. Once they arrived and the front door was closed and locked, Jungkook ignored the blond as he hurried in to his bedroom, slammed the door, and began the search for the file. He cursed himself for being reckless with the papers he got from work. His room isn't dirty or messy in the least, on the contrary, it was clean and well ordered. It smelled great too, not one speck of dust in sight, yet he somehow couldn't find a dumb orange folder. It took him an hour of searching until Jungkook finally found what he was looking for. He has no clue how it ended up under his mattress, but at least he found it. Jungkook impatiently opened the faded orange folder and began to read the information presented.

Name: Kim Taehyung

Gender: Male Age: 18

Status: Stable       Birthdate: Dec. 30, XXXX

Arrival: August 3, XXXX

Confinement: Solitary

Cell#: 95 Species: Half-Demon

Eye Color: Brown

Height: 5'4      Weight: 125 lbs.

Demon Type: Unknown

Description/Summary: Kim Taehyung had no knowledge of being a half-demon and claimed to be born and raised as a human. On August 3, XXXX, the patient went on a rampage, murdered thousands, including his own family, and destroyed more than half of Daegu. After being shot by Min Yoongi, he was brought into the Ward and taken care of by Doctor Kim Seok-Jin. The patient refused to speak to anyone but Doctor Seok-Jin and was put in solitary confinement until he came of age for trial. Tests and experiments were run in order to bring out the patient's demon but all failed except two. When loved ones are put in danger before the patient, his emotions become too unstable and the demon appears. When tormented and abused profusely to the point where he breaks down, the patient requests help and forces the demon out. No information on the demon has been acquired and the only people who have seen and met it have been Doctor Seok-Jin, Officer Park Jimin, and partner Min Yoongi. His demon should not be taken lightly.

Jungkook finished reading through Taehyung's file, feeling somewhat satisfied with the new information but new questions also flooded his mind. There wasn't much on him, but it was enough. He became curious about the boy, even more than when he first laid eyes on him. Jungkook knew Taehyung was strong, of course he was, he had to be in order to destroy such a heavily populated area at the age of eight.

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