Chapter 58: Chest to Chest, No In-Between

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Taehyung hugged on to the man's back, eventually moving to the front. The young blond ended up straddling the blue haired man, nuzzling his head against Jungkook's chest before letting it rest in the crook of his neck again. His hands loosened and fell to the man's waist, resting listlessly; Taehyung was basically limp. Jungkook thought it was cute. He's never been in such a situation, but he liked it.

"Why do you hide in there?"

"...Like it."

Jungkook angled his head, peering down at the blond who remained unmoving for the most part. "Don't I stink? I was moving around all day, are you sure you wanna keep your pretty little head buried in there?"

Taehyung stifled a giggle, shaking his head as his hands clung to Jungkook's shirt, "Smell nice... I-I like it."

"Eh? You think I smell good?"

Taehyung nodded.

"What do I smell like?"

Jungkook was genuinely curious. The only smell he can associate with himself right now is the nasty smell of a wet dog. He'd been running around the building, getting ordered around a lot more than usual and it was his turn to patrol, so that only added to his work out. Usually, he'd shower before even thinking about touching his bed, but not today. Taehyung clinging to him is a good enough excuse, in his opinion.

He poked at the boy's ribs lightly, waiting for his answer but he received a little, "I'm not gonna tell."

Jungkook scoffed, attacking the boy's sides and tactfully inching upwards as a rupture of laughter and giggles filled the room. Taehyung squirmed, trying to fight Jungkook's hands and trying to shrink his body so as to keep them away. The raven didn't stop though, he continued finding ways to make the boy laugh and giggle breathlessly, letting out his own complaints.

"You're being a real brat today, you know that?"

Taehyung breathed heavily, looking up at Jungkook, "I-I know... hah.. ha... I'm still.. still not telling you.. It's a se-secret.."

"Oh really?" Jungkook quirked a brow before leaning in closer to the blond, whispering, "In that case, I won't regret what I'm about to do."

Taehyung slowed his breathing, wondering what Jungkook meant but when he felt a heavy weight drop on his full body, he understood. The man had laid his body on top of his, letting his full weight drop on the small teenager as they both fell over on to the mattress. He heard the boy grunt and try to push him off, but it was all futile. Jungkook was far heavier than Taehyung, there's no way the blond would be able to turn him over, especially not when he's gone limp.

With an adorable huff, Taehyung let his hands fall to either side of him, groaning, "You're heavy... Move."

"Don't want to."

"Mmm~ Jungkook-Hyung, you're hea-heavy!... Too heavy. Ge-Get off or I'll die!"

Jungkook chuckled, "No you won't"

Taehyung disagreed, heaving a dramatic breath, "I-I will... Can't bre-breathe..."

Taehyung's body went limp under Jungkook's as the boy played dead, not responding to Jungkook's squirming and poking. Jungkook pushed up on his arms, torso no longer leaning against the supposedly passed out Taehyung. He pressed his forehead against Taehyung's, noticing the slight movement behind his eyes. Even when pretending, he can't help but be fully aware of what's going on around him. At least he tries.

"Oh no, looks like my Goldilocks turned into Sleeping Beauty," Jungkook commented playfully, "Guess I'll just break the curse then."

Taehyung's ears perked up at the mention of breaking a curse, eyes flickering slightly. What curse? Wait, how was Sleeping Beauty's curse lifted again? Hold on, who is Sleeping Beauty!? The blond was slightly panicking. So many things could go wrong right now. He could end up head-butting Jungkook if he gets surprised enough or if he just panics. Maybe he'll actually fall asleep. He played dead, yes, but he thought that Jungkook would move so he wasn't squishing him, but instead, he decided to tease him.

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