Chapter 37: I'll be the Villain

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They fell into a stand still. The blond nearly shoulder to shoulder with Jungkook, both facing each other. He hung his head low, wondering why he ever believed that someone would ever listen to him again when clearly, no one cared enough to do so. He wondered when everyone would stop blaming him for everything and anything. He wondered if he could just stop everything. What would it take? Him admitting to all the accusations? Him accepting the root of his name? His body? His power? His death? 

He doesn't know.

"Were you not the one who told the boy that he was innocent?" He eventually asked, barely loud enough for Jungkook to hear. "That he was the victim and not the culprit?"

Jungkook was caught off guard at the blond's murmured question. He didn't know that he had heard their conversation that day. He had hoped that he hadn't. Regardless of that, why would he bring that up now?

"I did... Why?"

The blond stared up at the raven, purple orbs holding something stronger than pain and more agonizing than sorrow. It was something Jungkook had never seen displayed on the Spirit's face. On Taehyung's face. It almost physically hurt to see him like that. Why did he look like that?

"He is not the only one who was made into the villain, Jungkook-ssi... You should have done your research before going after me- No... I should have known better."

The strained smile on his lips made Jungkook's inside's churn. What is he trying to say? Going after him? They aren't going after him, they're trying to stop them from fighting. Does he not understand? Or is there something else they're missing?

"I do not regret what I'm about to do." He rose his head, staring up ahead, voice coming out stronger and darker than before as he declared, "You want to treat me like the bad guy? Then fine, I'll be the bad guy."

"W-What? Hold on... Taehyung? H-Hey!"

The blond marched forward, pushing Jungkook aside, ignoring his questions. The only person in his sights was the woman with snow-white hair. The closer he got, the quicker his pace became until he was sprinting towards the waiting girl, grinning when he saw her start to run at him as well. He'll show the Goddess how much stronger he is compared to her, once and for all. He'll fulfill the role he was given.

His restraints are gone.

"No, wait! Stop it!!" Jin's desperate cry echoed in the room, and it was almost like instinct. Namjoon had placed string in the open space between both supernaturals, leaving no room for movement between them. Jimin had bound their bodies as best as he could, shadows covering their limbs. Yoongi already had his hand in his quiver. Hoseok's lightning was used to hinder their vision and prevent further movement, crackling along the red strings. Jungkook froze the ground again, working to freeze their bodies in place. They thought it would work but... They were useless.

"I told you before!"

Jimin's binds were shattered, the ice climbing up his legs was melted and the strings blocking his path were shredded.

"You humans are no match for me, much less that sorry excuse of a Goddess."

"N-No way... Are they that strong or are we just weak?" Jimin murmured, watching as his ropes disappeared.

"It might be both," admitted Namjoon, feeling his strings weaken after each cut. They shouldn't be able to cut through them, no one should. If they tried, they'd be instantly sliced by the micro blades. This is the first time it's happened. Not even the shocks from Hoseok's lighting are having an affect on them.

Yoongi grunted, tired of wasting his arrows, "What now? Jungkook and I can't get a clear hit on them!"

"It's no use, we're wasting our time!" Hoseok yelled, calling back his spear after attempting to hit one of the moving people. 

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