Chapter 44: The Pain of Betrayal

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Knocking on the door to Hoseok and Namjoon's apartment, Jungkook waited patiently for one of them to show up, walking right in when the door was finally answered.

"Ye- Jungkook? What are you doing here?"

"Hey, where's Khione?"


"I said, where's Khione?" Jungkook prompted his question again, looking pointedly at Hoseok who still seemed to be processing what he had asked.

"Hoseok! Who was at the door?"

"Na-Namjoon, can you call Khione over? Someone wants to see her... I don't want to die so hurry up!"

Jungkook rolled his eyes, crossing his arms and tapping his foot impatiently, huffing a breath of air when Namjoon and the Goddess finally showed up, "Aish, about time! I'm taking her with me, I'll bring her back soon!"

The pair of males looked at each other and shrugged, unsure of what was happening, but unwilling to get in his way. The young man dragged the girl along, asking her to get inside his car as he drove off to who-knows-where, only stopping when he deemed the place empty of living things.

"Jungkook-ssi, what's going on? Why are we here? You were far too rude to Hoseok-ssi and Namjoon-ssi-"

"Why didn't you help him?" Jungkook muttered, not caring about how his tone of voice was giving away his confusion and slight anger.


"Why. Didn't. You. Help. Him? It doesn't make sense to me and I need to know why."

Khione was confused. She didn't know what Jungkook was referring to, she was starting to think that he might have hit his head or something. Her babbling about whether or not he was well or if he needed to see a doctor was only agitating the male even more. 

Isn't what he's asking about obvious? 

Calming himself down, he spoke the name, "Vil Schoenheit."

Khione stopped her rambling, a stressed smile decorating her lips as she plays dumb, "What? I'm not sure I know who you're talking about."

"You know very well who I'm talking about Khione Vespera. Don't play dumb with me and just answer my questions, why didn't you help him? If you sent him here then that means you actually cared enough to not let him die, so why couldn't you help them both?"

The Goddess didn't even flinch. She simply sighed, fixing her posture, "So he finally told you, that was quicker than I expected. I'm also guessing he made me out to be the bad guy."

"You told me to earn his trust, I did. Quit stalling and answer me already, I only want to know why things ended like that. You were supposed to be there for him, right? I mean, in the end, you saved him!"

"Jungkook-ssi, one of the only reasons I stayed by that boy's side was because his parents asked me to. I had no intention of acting as his personal bodyguard and as a recently ascended Goddess, I had affairs to take care of. At that time, he was King and he had already come of age, he was old enough to take care of himself."

That wasn't the kind of response he was waiting for. Khione had been kind to them all, she even told them about the oracle and said she'd help them, but after hearing Vil's story, is it possible that it's all a farce? Did she not feel guilty for not helping him when they had grown close over the years? Jungkook couldn't wrap his head around it.

"But he trusted you, he said you grew close, you became friends, why would you turn your back on him? You could've tried and helped him. His wife and baby died! Do you not feel guilty?"

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