Chapter 31: I Just Want to Know You Better

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The only thing Jungkook knows about his partner is what he witnessed through the spiritual weapon and what he read from his file, but he supposes that isn't enough to fully understand the boy.

When he left his bedroom, he found Taehyung in the kitchen making breakfast and dressed in his uniform. Jungkook observed him from the table, taking in the view of the younger. Taehyung really was small for someone his age. He was probably around a five-six or five-five compared to Jungkook's almost six-foot height. If Jimin and Yoongi were taller than him then he was most definitely below a five-eight because both of those men were a five-ten. He was lean too, but instead of having the typical build of a man, he has more of a feminine body structure. Although, that can change when the Spirit takes over. Every time they switch control, the younger becomes more mature, erotic (though he feels weird admitting that), and cocky. His body structure only adds to those qualities but despite being small and feminine-like, he's still fairly strong both mentally and physically and his facial features are well defined.

"I-I can feel you sta-staring..."

Jungkook looked down, embarrassed at being caught red-handed. He cleared his throat, apologizing and saying he was daydreaming. From then on, he just patiently waited, trying not to stare at Taehyung again. Soon enough, a plate of food was placed before him.

"Thank you."

Taehyung sat in front of him, nodding at the thanks he received. Both began to eat and Jungkook carefully continued his scrutinization of the younger. His long blond hair didn't seem to be dyed, no visible brown or black roots were seen, but wasn't his hair dark? He remembers it being a dark brown in the vision he had seen. His skin was a natural caramel color, almost like a tan, and his eyes are a soft honey. His beauty marks haven't gone unseen by the older either, his button nose is decorated by one a bit above his left nostril while two others found a place on the bottom eyelid of his left eye and on his bottom lip closer to the right corner. Speaking of which, his lips were a pretty peach color, perfectly shaped and naturally glossy.

The boy was undeniably gorgeous.

Now that he had the chance and time to look the boy over, Jungkook won't deny how captivating the young teen was. He also won't deny the fact that he now noticed how he couldn't steady his heartbeat whenever the other was near him. Maybe it was because of yesterday's events or maybe the older was experiencing something else completely unrelated to Taehyung. A cold, maybe?

You tried that last time, Jungkook, it didn't work.

Taehyung picked up their empty plates and placed them in the sink, turning over to Jungkook, avoiding his gaze like before. "W-We'll be late if I... I wash them now so- so m-may I clean them when we re-return?"

Jungkook smiled, finding the stuttering cute once again, "Yeah, that's fine, don't worry about it."

He's glad Taehyung didn't catch his smile or else he'd be painted red all over again. He's been doing that a lot and he doesn't know how to feel about it. Since last night, he's felt lighter around Taehyung. It scares him. He's aware of that fact, but quite frankly, Jungkook doesn't think he can keep himself from feeling this way. He just hopes he can keep his act together for the day.

They arrived at the company on time, greeting people they've worked with before as they made their way to their floor. Those who used to pick on Taehyung simply ignored him now, paying him no mind for fear of potentially having to face one of the Officers in squad one. Yoongi and Jimin were already there along with a few others. The newly arrived men sat at their respective locations and worked on whatever was handed to them. Jungkook felt a burning gaze on him, making chills run up and down his spine. He glanced to the side, seeing their squad leader staring holes into him. He gave a forced, awkward smile before pretending to look at his papers.

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