Chapter 57: Stay With Me

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Jungkook felt his heart clench in the most painful way possible. His arms wrapped tighter around Taehyung out of their own accord, a desperate glare in his eyes because he needs to know what's wrong.

"Please... Talk to me. I need to know what happened. Please?"

"I-It was crawling up... I was be-being swallowed up... I'm sca-scared and I don't- I don't know why... Why?"

The man's hands searched for the blond's hidden face. Taehyung didn't fight the movement, letting Jungkook guide his face out of the crook he was hiding in. When their eyes met, liquid pooled at the edges of the normally bright eyes while his lips quivered as a wet breath left them. He didn't want to cry. He had no reason to.

"Hey, hey, hey... Look at me, look at me," Jungkook coaxed, not letting the boy avert his gaze. "That's it, good boy... It's alright, we can figure this out, don't hold back on me Goldie. Let it out. I'm here."

That's all it took for the dam to break. The tears streamed down the boy's tan cheeks as his chest heaved, huffs and sniffles following right after. Jungkook only rubbed his back, tucking stray hairs behind his ears, occasionally wiping away the salted water. Minutes later and the boy was able to breath properly again, letting his forehead rest on Jungkook's chest, ear occasionally pressing over his heart in order to hear its beating rhythm.

"Feel better?"


The small answer made Jungkook silently pray to any and all Gods in gratitude.

"That's good... Wanna tell me when you started feeling off?"

The blond fiddled with the buttons on Jungkook's uniform top, sniffling before nodding slowly.

"I-It was weird... We were walk-walking to the ar-arena for lunch. It wasn't ri-right. I asked Yoongi-Hyung why and- and that's when it started."

"What did Yoongi tell you?" The raven asked softly.

"H-He'd explain he-here."

"Did that bother you?"

"I-I... I don't know. I felt res-restless? Nervous. And- And anxious... I wanted t-to throw up... I was scared. Didn't like it. No noise, n-no light, no pe-people, only you, only you."

Jungkook hummed, "Has this happened before?"

He felt a slight nod.

"Can I know when?"

"War-Ward. My ce-cell."

The boy tensed at the memory, sticking closer to Jungkook as he violently shook his head, "N-No more, no more... Plea-Please?"

The raven understood, reassuring the blond that the questions were done. He doesn't know how long they stayed there. All Jungkook knows is that Taehyung eventually fell asleep, and he didn't see the point in waking him up and throwing him back into S.D.F's bustling building, so he texted the guys and told them he wouldn't be going back. Jungkook stayed in the dome, leaning against the wall with a sleeping blond curled on his lap. He would hum for him whenever he stirred or flinched. He would run his hands through his growing hair. He would peck his head and the tips of his ears, whispering sweet words reserved only for him. If his ass started to go numb because he was sitting for too long, he didn't complain or try to move. If his legs went numb and started to tingle, he didn't flinch. Jungkook let it all happen, content with being able to provide comfort for the boy he gave his heart to.

It was late evening when they had gotten home. Jungkook had told Taehyung to go to bed, but the blond wouldn't detach himself from the raven's side. Jungkook could only assume that he was still shaken up about earlier and simply didn't want to feel alone. He couldn't say he understood completely, but he gave the boy what he wanted and, in the end, he stayed by Taehyung's side until he fell asleep again. Jungkook had placed an extra pillow in Taehyung's arms as a replacement for his hand and quietly closed the door, the music box singing on his night stand. His body landed on their living room sofa the second he was close enough to drop himself on it and his hand fished for his cell phone, dialing one of the only contacts in it.

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