Chapter 47: What is Love?

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The sketch was made almost flawlessly. Copies were made public, and the streets were searched during patrols. The database was searched via the visual aid, but no matches were found. For the group of workers, it was frustrating and perplexing. Even after going through everything with the OPM, questions still lingered.

"How is this possible?"

"I already explained it, we searched thoroughly but we can't find a match for this person. Our database doesn't have anyone that looks like this," the man at the large touch screen repeated his words, directing his gaze to the waiting men with confused and pensive expressions. "We've been at this for four days, the background checks are giving us no matches, we only have a visual to go off of, we've ransacked the database on everything, even the surveillance cameras have no footage displaying this person."

"But we saw them, they were following us! How could the cameras not have caught something? If they were there, then they should be in the database!"

"Jungkook, calm down."

The man huffed, marching to the back of the room to cool off with a hesitant Taehyung following close behind. Jimin turned back to the investigator, apologizing curtly, "Sorry for his behavior, he's something like a ticking time bomb sometimes. Hannele, isn't there something else we could do? There has to be more to this, right?"

The man at the screen pushed up his glasses, placing his hands on his knees, "Aah... Well, it's complicated, really."

"Doesn't matter, break it down for us Cocker Spaniel."

"Cocker... Spaniel?" The man felt his eyebrow twitch at the new nickname and the smug look on Yoongi's face. Looking over the name, he closed the screen, "First of all, there can only be a few reasons why someone wouldn't be on our database. One: They aren't from here, thus their data was never placed into our system. Two: They somehow managed to break into the system and delete all traces of themselves, which is highly unlikely considering our security is one of the best in the world. Three: We've got the wrong visuals; this is very likely since we only went off of what someone remembered. Four: The person simply doesn't exist or is some sort of shapeshifter or invisible being that can't be tracked. Really, I don't know what else to tell you, I doubt you'll find them."

"How much longer can you keep searching with the rest of your team?" Asked Namjoon, leaning against the wall.

The man shrugged, "We can keep this up for a while, but four days is already a bit much. Is there a certain amount of time you want us to search for?"

At the mention of a time limit, Jungkook walked back into the small group, blond trailing behind like a baby chick before being pulled over by Hoseok who began to baby him. Hannele rose his head, meeting the navy eyes with his own peach-colored orbs hidden behind his rectangular frames.

"So, I'm guessing you have a time limit?"

"I do. A week."

The investigator's form straightened slightly, pushing the glasses up the bridge of his nose once more, "A week? Four days have already gone by, you want to wait until seven days have passed for someone who's not in our system and hasn't been sighted?"

"That was the deal I made with the person related to the case so yes, a week. It's only a few more days, is it too much?"

The slight waves covered the glasses as the man shook his head, heaving a light sigh, "Nope, it's fine, just three more days, I can deal with that. I'll inform you if anything is found."

"Great, thank you."

"See you around Hannele."

"Bye Cocker Spaniel."

Unordinary: Two Worlds CollideOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora