Chapter 33: Gold Among Flowers

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The crunching of leaves followed them as Jungkook lead them further into the plains. They came to a stop; a small breeze kissed their exposed skin, and the sound of rustling flooded their ears. Taehyung's senses were trying to help the boy figure out where he was, a small scent of lavender had reached his nose, but it disappeared just as quickly. He thinks it's the Spirit's doing, because he knows he doesn't have that good of a nose, but he ignores that idea for now. Upon further inspection, he noticed that the once singing birds became quiet in the distance and there were no apparent signs of other people.

Jungkook looked down at the boy in front of him, posing the awaited question, "Are you ready?"

The younger nodded in anticipation, trembling in excitement. Jungkook slowly removed the cover from the boy's eyes and observed his reaction. It was wonderful. The blond found himself surrounded by flowers of different colors and tall, soft grass. Traces of morning dew were still seen, and the sun's rays only amplified the meadow's beauty. It looked like small jewels were lost in between the leaves and the flowers extended further than the eye could see. It was like something out of a book, like the opening scene of a romance film.

It was marvelous.

"A-Are we still in Korea?"

Jungkook chuckled, nodding.

"I... I've never seen any-anything like this... Are you- Are you sure we-we're still in Korea? I-I'm not dreaming?"

Taehyung walked forward, looking back at Jungkook with gleaming eyes. His fingers touched the petals of a lavender plant softly as he slowly gave a full turn, closing his eyes and taking in the nice feeling of being out in a place as wonderful as this one. He felt relaxed. Free. Like he could run and never get tired. How can such a beautiful place exist out here? How can he be so lucky to see a scenery like this? He turned to Jungkook, honey eyes still holding disbelief.

Jungkook laughed, "I assure you we're in South Korea, and no, Taehyung-ah, this isn't a dream... It's real. Enjoy it."

"Thank you!"

Jungkook's eyes widened as his back soon came in contact with a bed of flowers.

He heard a melodic laugh.

One full of enjoyment and astonishment.

One he never heard before.

He squinted his eyes, seeing Taehyung sitting on top of him, his hands on Jungkook's chest as he threw his head back. This is the first time he's heard the younger laugh out loud like this. He loves it. The light from the sun made him glow, and this is when Jungkook absolutely knew that he had undeniably fallen in love with the half-spirit boy by the name of Kim Taehyung.

He had fallen for him, and he was going to stop denying it.

He had denied his attraction to others for the longest time for fear of being left behind like his mother had been. He was scared of being abandoned again. But Taehyung wouldn't leave him like the others did. Taehyung wouldn't abandon him. He already told him he wouldn't leave him alone.

With a small, gentle smile, Jungkook reached out a hand and tucked a strand of golden thread behind Taehyung's ear. The boy was still staring down at him with glittering eyes, animatedly expressing his happiness and gratefulness but all Jungkook could hear were the ringing of bells and all he could see was an angel glowing in the morning sun.

"Taehyung-ah," he whispered lowly, "Wait for me, okay?"

The boy didn't hear him. He didn't hear that plea but the gentle nod he gave made it seem like he had.

That day, Jungkook had taken enough pictures to create an album. After questioning what Jungkook was doing with that thing in his hand, that thing being his phone, Taehyung had willingly posed for some, giggling when he saw the end results. He had run up and down the field, laid on the flowers and took in their scents; he thoroughly enjoyed it all. He enjoyed it so much that he had nodded off on the train ride back to Seoul and even on the car ride back home. Jungkook could only shake his head and smile fondly.

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