Chapter 41: Scars to Your Beautiful

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Jungkook fiddled with his uniform coat's buttons, repeating his life events again, "My father abandoned my mother and I when I was a toddler. With my father gone, my mother had to work different jobs and long hours in order to provide for us and our small apartment, so I learned how to cook, clean, and look after myself at an early age. One night, I was sleeping on the floor and... She nearly killed me."

"Killed you?"

The blond had heard the story, but he couldn't understand why a parent would turn to such drastic measures. Then again, he knows of one person who would do something like that even if they were sane.

Jungkook nodded, bringing his hands to his neck, "I was strangled by her. She blamed me for everything that happened. She told me my father would still be with her if I hadn't been born. In the end, she committed suicide right in front of my eyes and I was left an orphan until one of my aunts took me in. The investigation done on the incident was ruled as the fault of a mind controlling supernatural. I was bullied throughout middle school, and I didn't finish school because I was too much for them to take care of and I left. I lived on the streets from then on."

"But then, how are you still alive if you were left on the streets? Surely you couldn't have been good at surviving, the crime rate during that time was large as well."

"How do you know that?"

"I have been here for quite some time; I'm not clueless on everything. I still wonder how you managed to live."

Jungkook ignored the sting of the comment and smiled through clenched teeth, "I managed to survive pretty well, even better when I was able to pickpocket without getting caught and copy the training regimen for the company I'm working for right now. In the end, I got in and I'm one of the most valued employees so there. Well, that's the end of my mediocre sob story, what's yours?"

The blond clamped up again, looking away. It's only fair that the blond tells him something since Jungkook told him about his past. The Spirit pondered over the countless ways he could reject the question or provide an answer. The blond shook his head, bringing his knees to his chest, "I apologize but I can't. Not right now."

With a reassuring smile, Jungkook nodded, navy eyes flooding with sympathy and understanding as he got off the bed, cleaning the invisible dirt away from his black pants.

"I understand, I'll leave you be for today. I have some work left over and training in a few hours. If you ever feel like talking, let me know."

"I know you want to know more, but you should keep in mind that I am not a great person. Be it as it may, I've managed to keep the young boy safe, but I also came here and destroyed many things. I've caused nothing but chaos. Don't let my lack of defense tell you otherwise."

The blond's gaze followed the retreating back of the young Officer, seeing him wave off the attempt at a warning. Taehyung flopped back onto the bed, turning his back to Jungkook, only turning to look at the see-through glass when he no longer heard his footsteps. He turned over again, pulling the blanket over his body as he thought about Jungkook's words.

He wanted to get to know me better. How long has it been since someone has told me that? Was he lying? It's possible he's only saying that in order to gain information so he can go and tell his buddies.

They just want to get rid of me.

Everyone has come to hate me.

Khione only makes matters worse and all because of my gift? There's no point in telling my story, it won't change anything. I'll still be feared. I will still be a demon, a villain.

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