Chapter 11: Payback

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Jungkook stood there, confidence brimming and proud grin on his lips. Before him stood a seething Taehyung no longer trembling in fear, but trembling in rage. His aura changed drastically and Jungkook swears that he can see purple and black mist emitting from the younger whose head was currently staring at the ground, fringe covering his eyes.

"You." He seethed, "What are you playing at?"

Jungkook quirked a brow, "Me? I have a few questions I'd like answers to, but I'm also just curious and wanted to test a theory of mine. Apparently, it worked."

Taehyung scoffed, finally meeting Jungkook's gaze and making him tense up instantly. The younger's eyes were dripping with animosity and looked deadly ominous; there was no warmth or that familiar glitter of anxiousness, only pure hatred.

"Just curious you say?"

Jungkook swallowed his saliva, not knowing what was to come but he was sure it wouldn't be something nice. The file did warn him about this guy.

"You humans truly enjoy toying with others, don't you? Well, now it's my turn." Taehyung grinned slyly, "I won't go easy on you after the stunt you pulled. Now, come to me, Zaphkiel!"

A ground shaking gong rung in the room as a pistol appeared in Taehyung's outstretched arm and a giant clock appeared behind him. The gun was pointing to one of the roman numerals like a clock hand and with a hard glare, Taehyung pulled down the gun's hammer saying, "Yod Bet."

The clock ticked, a loud ding echoing in Jungkook's ears as purple mist made its way into the gun barrel. Without hesitation, the blond pointed it directly at the stunned man's head, giggling before pulling the trigger and saying, "Enjoy the ride, Jeon-ssi."

Once the shot was fired, Jungkook could've sworn that he was supposed to be dead, but instead, he awoke in a completely different place.

"Yah, Kim Taehyung! Get back here young man, you haven't eaten breakfast!"

"Sorry mama, I'll see.. see you la-later, I'm g-go-going to be la-late for.. for school!"

Jungkook looked at what he assumed was a young Taehyung running at full speed while a beautiful woman waved him goodbye. Short hazel hair, bright brown eyes, tan skin, and a large smile despite reprimanding her son. He was almost an exact replica of her.

How am I seeing this? And his hair... It's not blond.

Jungkook watched as two other children left the house shortly after Taehyung did, both holding on to a well-dressed man's hands. He can only guess that those are his siblings and his dad. Their mother waved goodbye at them from the door and the calm happiness of that scene was cut short fairly quickly as soon as late afternoon arrived.

The scenery morphed into something horrid right before Jungkook's eyes. It was the incident that took place all those years ago, something he only saw on TV. He saw how the small Taehyung was frantically running home from school, unfortunately tripping on a rock causing him to scrape his knee and hands. Though it sounds crazy, Jungkook felt the sting of the younger's wounds and when he inspected his body, he saw that he too had the small scrapes.

What? How?

He turned back to Taehyung, wondering why he was in such a hurry to go home. The brunette was close to his house now, out of breath and sweaty. He was about to throw the door open when a blinding light went off, causing Jungkook to squint his eyes. As he was about to open them again, Jungkook let out a blood-curdling scream, falling to the floor, not understanding where the pain was coming from. His body was on fire.

Damn it, I shouldn't be feeling any of this! This is the past, it's an illusion!


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