Chapter 9: Vibrant Violet

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On the ride back home, the atmosphere surrounding the two males was heavy and thick. Jungkook continuously side glanced at the boy on the seat next to him while the blond boy tried to ignore the stares while having a conversation with the original owner of the body that has miraculously figured out how to contact him.

"Kid, he keeps staring at you, is he into younger boys or something? He's giving me the creeps."

Jeon-ssi isn't a pedophile, he doesn't even like me s-so I don't know why he's staring. It's probably because of what you pulled in the office.

"That is what he gets for calling you a half-breed and his property, but I will not lie, he is definitely my type-"

Do-Don't try anything! You can't blow our cover, remember?

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I get it, but if he attempts anything you can't blame me for what might happen."

Fine, you're almost there, I'll rest a while longer... un-until morning.

"Right, go on."

Just as Taehyung had said, Jungkook pulled up at their driveway and exited the car without a word. The young boy just clicked his tongue before rolling his eyes and getting out. Both entered the dimly lit living room but before either of them could walk into their respective rooms, the younger was slammed against the wall, encaged by the elder's well-built body, arms on either side of his head. Taehyung, of course, tried to stay in character and not do something the actual Taehyung wouldn't do. He kept his gaze on the ground and attempted to make himself smaller, displaying a face full of innocence and confusion with a slight tint of fear; He could win an Oscar.

"Look at me, runt."

Jungkook's voice was stern, like that of those alphas in the books Taehyung read out of boredom, but he's all bark and no bite in the demon's eyes. Hesitantly, the cowering boy raised his gaze and locked eyes with the waiting male. Jungkook searched the younger's eyes, certain that something isn't right and that his eyes weren't playing tricks on him back at the office, but their color remained normal. He clicked his tongue and grabbed the small boy's chin, making him jump, not as part of the act, but because he was genuinely surprised. Jungkook moved his head in different directions, positioning it at different angles but the eyes remained the same. His grip unknowingly tightened, causing Taehyung to let out an unintentional whine, making Jungkook quickly release his chin.

What the hell does this idiot want? He is testing my patience.

The demons pouting party was interrupted by sudden murmuring that made Jungkook sound like he'd lost his mind. Taehyung would like to bet that it's a very high possibility.

"I swear I saw them turn purple, I didn't imagine it, I'm not going crazy, and his attitude definitely changed..."

So that is what he's doing? He will not leave me alone until he finds something, huh?

"Yah, can I go now?"

I have no time for this stuff.

Jungkook stared down at the once cowering boy in shock and Taehyung took this small period of time to duck under the elder's arm and escape from the previous position. No more being slammed against the wall.

"Y-Yah! I'm not done with you, who said you could leave!?"

"Um? Me... Bye."

"Why you-"

"I would stop meddling in other people's business if I were you, Jeon-ssi. We don't want you getting hurt now, do we?"

And he did it again. His eyes flashed a neon purple and his personality changed.

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