Chapter 23: I Am Not Nothing

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Hoseok was nervous. He only recently got his offered specialized demon weapon after finding out about the Spirit. He knew their guns, grenades, bottles of purified water and the rest of their equipment wouldn't work against this species, so upgrading was necessary. It helped that Namjoon was well acquainted with the weapons, having him as a partner has saved his life more than once, literally and metaphorically. Now, he just has to do as they practiced.

"Alright, let's see what we're dealing with."

Hoseok was soon enveloped in a bright, shining light. His chestnut hair curled at the ends and in his right hand appeared a spear so sharp that a dragonfly landing on the edge would be instantly cut in half. His hands were adorned with golden marks in the shape of the sun and some lines hid under his uniform's sleeves.

"Hmm... The blade looks well-made. It resembles some of those foreign ones that you humans display in those large, transparent cases; your demons seem to be foreign. Interesting," Taehyung mused.

"You mean the museum displays?"

The blond nodded. 

"Well, I'm not sure if they are foreign, but without our demon weapons, we wouldn't be able to last in a fight against your kind. Only those who pass the possession test can attain one, and we happen to be some of those who passed," explained Hoseok before chuckling sheepishly, "I was forced to accept mine after finding out about you guys, I was scared out of my mind! The weapon types are just an added bonus. We capture the demons, then confine them within a normal weapon. Where they come from doesn't really matter."

"Hm." Taehyung took his eyes off of Hoseok, wanting to see how Namjoon would look once his cursed gear was activated. Apparently, he was staring too hard.

"Um... Taehyung? Why are you staring so intently?" Namjoon smiled warily, not liking how hard the Spirit was staring at him from afar.

"I am waiting for you to do what Hoseok-ssi did, I'm curious to see how it happens again."

The dimpled man nodded and tried not to feel uncomfortable under the others' scrutinizing gaze. It seems Namjoon was able to find a similarity between Taehyung and his Spirit: both are curious.

"Okay," he took a deep breath, "here I go."

Exhaling, the clicking sounds began, halting just as quickly as they had started, showing his familiarity with the object. Specks of shining dust began to fall from above, finding refuge on Namjoon's body. Then, something changed. The places where the dust landed shimmered before disappearing and leaving something different in its place. The dust is what made Namjoon's hair grow to his mid-back, resembling a galaxy. Literally. A headpiece with a moon and hanging raindrop decorated the forehead area, silver bands wrapping around the head, and adding to the majestic hair.

When they thought it was over, something caught their eyes. Strings. An uncountable number of strings were floating around Namjoon, two attached to each of his fingers while the rest hovered around his being, too thin to be seen unless you paid close attention.

"Amazing, but I am still far more superior," Taehyung boasted. His arms were crossed over his chest, weight on one leg as his head was cocked to the side, smirk visible, and a mischievous glint in his purple eyes.

"How about you stop being self-centered and get ready to kill that thing. We need to save Jungkook and get out of here alive. Yoongi and Jimin are waiting," Hoseok urged, looking at the haughty male seriously.

"Of course, please do forgive me for my aloof behavior. Now, what should I use? He uses glass, correct? I have fire, sound, air, earth, and time. Zaphkiel is out of the question, Aither won't do much, Lydian can work but maybe Camael will work better. Then again, I just want to cause a bit of destruction so let's leave the best for last," he mumbled.

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