~ Chapter 2 ~

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Sunday, September 1st 1996
Bradley's Video Store

Once in town, Stu and I stopped at a small café to grab a drink (we'd already eaten at home). I ordered a Vanilla Latte while he got a Cappuccino. "Do you think we should get that boyfriend of yours a drink? We can give it to him when we go to the video store" I suggested. "He's NOT my boyfriend.. we've already discussed this, but yes that seems like a good idea" Stu said in reply, sounding slightly annoyed; personally I found it highly amusing.

We decided to get Randy a cup of tea and then left the café, now making our way to the video store.

Once we arrived at the video store, I noticed Stu scanning the area. "SEE. He's over there, i found him first because I'm taller than you, short ass" He blurted out, laughing away to himself. "Actually for your information, I can see everything perfectly fine.. plus I don't even know what your boyfri-" Stu glared at me "-sorry.. I don't even know what your friend looks like" I finished my sentence, adding emphasis to the word 'friend'... there's no way Stu isn't a slight bit fruity though.

I giggled to myself and then swiftly followed after Stu, who had already started walking away from me. Once I caught up to him, I playfully slapped his arm from behind him, "hey! You left me" I exclaimed, pretending to be mad at him. I then heard an unrecognisable laugh come from the other side of Stu, followed by, "Who's that behind you Stu?". I instantly assumed it was Randy while I peeped my head, and then my whole body round past Stu.

Now standing next to him, he wrapped his arm round me, "this is y/n, my highly annoying, little, horror obsessed friend.. sort of like you Randy.." Stu's comment was met with laughs from all three of us, "wait.. little?!" I said with an annoyed tone.. I may only be 5'5 but I reckon I could easily win in a fight against Stu. I'm small and sneaky ya know.. anyway, carrying on.

After Stu removed his arm from round my shoulders, I looked ahead of me to get a better view of Randy. There he stood, holding some DVDs while carefully placing them on the nearby shelf. He wore a long-sleeved black top with a pair of sandy coloured khakis, and some black converse shoes. He looks pretty damn good I can't lie. His hair was sort of messy, but in a cute way. Then I met with his light blue eyes, and butterflies erupted in my stomach. Why am I feeling this way? I don't even know him.. but that doesn't mean I don't want to get to know him. I could've sworn I saw his face begin to blossom pink in reaction to me looking directly into his eyes. He's so beautiful.

The trance I was in was soon interrupted by Randy introducing himself, "Uhh hi! I'm Randy, but you already knew that.." I could tell he was nervous but I saw the relief on his face when I sent him a warm, comforting smile which was met with a smile back from him. He has such a nice smile, he's genuinely adorable.

Stu handed him the cup of tea we bought from the café. While handing it over, he clarified that it was in fact my idea to buy Randy a drink, and then he thanked me for it. He seemed almost flustered by my kind gesture.

"What's that werewolf movie with ET's mom in it?" A girl asked. Randy was about to answer her but I spoke first, "The Howling, horror, which should be over there.. straight ahead" "thanks" I heard her say before she walked over to the horror section. Randy turned and looked at me, "oh shit, sorry Randy that was your job, my bad" I said to him, feeling a little embarrassed that I didn't allow him to talk. "Oh no don't worry it's fine. So, you into horror?" He asked me, Stu just stood there observing us. "God don't even get me started, I love it! I could genuinely talk about it for hours and even watch it for hours.. which is nice too but there's something about explaining things and bringing up small details that makes me happy.. sorry I'm talking a lot aren't I" I slowed down the pace at which I spoke and turned to see Randy looking at me, he seemed interested in what I had to say and urged me not to stop talking. "Hey no you're good, I don't know you all that well yet but I already love listening to what you have to say, you seem cool y/n!" I smiled, relieved knowing that he wanted to listen to me.

Stu was about to say something but I spotted a man over near the counter and asked Randy if it was his manager. "Yeh that's him, why?" He asked, out of curiosity. "I'm applying for a job here so I'm going to speak to him, one moment" Stu and Randy nodded my way but before I left them I said, "I was about to say 'I'll be right back' .. but that's essentially a death wish in a horror movie, it's rule number 3 ya know" I shot a smile at Randy who seemed rather impressed by my knowledge and enthusiasm towards horror, then I walked over to the manager.

Randy's POV:
I watched as y/n walked away from me and Stu, damn she's so cute. I hardly even know her but I'm starting to feel some type of way already. I turn to Stu, he's intently staring at me. I felt as though he was reading my mind.. oh no. "So.. you like her huh?" He questioned which broke the trance I was in. He'd interrupted my thoughts about y/n.
"w-what?" I said, caught of guard by his suspicions. "Ohhh you were definitely just thinking about her.." Stu added, while a smirk appeared on his lips. "Stu, just stop.." I didn't want him to know about how I was feeling about y/n... not just yet, I need to get to know her more first. "Don't worry, it's okay I get it, she is pretty cute, just don't go hurting her, okay?" Stu said, sounding very protective.

When the pair first came over to me, I half expected them to be dating, purely because of how close they were. But to my surprise and delight, they aren't. Which made me feel happy.. maybe I do like y/n. Time will tell.

I also realised that if y/n got the job here at Bradley's video store, then we'd both work the same shifts together, sometimes it will be just us two. Alone. Together. And other times there will be more workers, like Karen, creepy Karen. She can be a bit... ominous at times let's just say that. Always looking at me. I know I'm cute but still- okay okay maybe I'm too self confident BUT THATS A GREAT THING! I may be a 'horror geek', but I think I'm a pretty damn good looking one, even if I do say so myself.
End of Randy's POV.

Y/N's POV:
When I reached the counter, I smiled whilst greeting the manager. "Hi, I'm here to apply for a job, I saw the advertisement" I stated. "Oh of course, may I ask your name?" He replied with a straight face, not much emotion. Maybe he was just having a bad day.. who knows. Although, his gloomy expression soon faded and a soft smile grew on his lips when I stated my name. "Y/n Dubois.. hmm by any chance, are your parents Laura and Andre?" My smile dropped at hearing both my parents names, but I felt slightly better when he realised what he'd said, and swiftly apologised for it. I felt bad though, I didn't want him apologising.. at the end of the day, we can't change the past, no matter how much it hurts.

"Oh no don't worry, it's fine. Did you know them?" I asked, out of curiosity. "Yes, me and your parents were close, but you were only young so I don't expect you to remember me.. oh and you've got the job." I was surprised to hear that last part of his statement. "Sorry? Ive got the job? So no interviews or-" He cut me off, not in bad intention, he was more enthusiastic about it "I trust you, I know you'll be great working here, I'll go grab you some uniform and you're timetable for what shifts you'll work. Oh and you'll have the same shifts as Randy, and then on busier days, there will be more workers with you."

Well that was easy enough. I got the job! Honestly my passion for movies, specifically horror, means that working at a video store is like a dream. I'm actually super excited to start and spend more time with Randy, I believe my first shift will be next week some time. The uniform is simple but cute, basically what Randy was wearing - long sleeved black top (with a 'Bradley's video store' logo on it, of course), and some sandy coloured khaki trousers.

I'm starting to think that life isn't so bad after all, and I can't wait to see what the near future will bring!

Next on the agenda, is starting at Woodsboro High School, at least I'll know Stu and now Randy. Stu also said he'll introduce me to his other friends, I'm sure we'll all get along!

Word count: 1.6K

In love with the geek ~ Randy Meeks x readerWhere stories live. Discover now