~ Chapter 16 ~

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Monday, October 28th 1996

I slowly became aware of my current surroundings, but my eyes refused to open.

I could hear people talking... I recognised the voices of the following people: Randy, Stu, Dewey, Sid, and there was one more person whose voice I couldn't recognise.

I feel as though I've lost the power to control my own body, I'm unable to move.

I can feel my left hand being held by a familiar large hand; I labelled it as Randy's. My other hand was also being held, this time by a much smaller hand.. and judging by whose voice was closest to my right, I labelled this hand as Sidney's.

Although I feel extremely powerless and helpless in the present moment, a feeling of protection and safety wrapped around me like a warm, comforting blanket. I survived.

I listened in on the conversation being held around me, as there wasn't much else that I could do. "What if she doesn't wake up?!" Stu's voice was shaken and distressed. "Hey..hey.. don't worry, y/n is a strong girl.. she'll be just fine.." Dewey was trying his best to reassure everyone, bless him.

My attention was caught by the most familiar voice of all. A voice that soothes me. A voice that could comfort me and bring me happiness like no other. Randy was speaking, almost whispering, in a low and quiet voice right next to me. "Y/n, my love.. I don't know if you can hear me right now, but I want to let you know that everything will be okay, just stay strong for me, I can't lose you.. I love you." After hearing those words, i managed to use all my strength and energy to take control of my left hand, which was still held by Randy. I squeezed his hand as much as possible, in hopes that he would notice. And to my satisfaction, he did.

"Everyone! Y/n squeezed my hand!" He sounded so happy, it was heartwarming. The others seemed to be relieved as well, letting out sighs of relaxation.

~ Short Time Skip ~
Monday -> middle of the night

I couldn't tell you how much time had passed, but soon enough, my eyes fluttered open. The room was fairly dark, it was nighttime.

I observed my surroundings, I was in a hospital room. Randy was fast asleep to my left, still holding my hand tight while Sidney did the same on my right. I saw Stu asleep on a hospital bed in the same room, he wasn't wearing a robe so I assume he's recovering well. Dewey was passed out in a chair just across from where I lay in bed.

Everything felt peaceful, which was certainly appreciated considering the last thing I remember was the complete opposite.

Those around me looked absolutely knocked out, I feel bad that they are all here just for me. I love them all so much. However, something caught my attention... there are two people out of my friend group who aren't here right now..
"Y/N! You're awake!" Sidney slightly squealed her words, I never even saw her wake up.. I was lost in my own thoughts.

I heard Randy mumble a load of unintelligible rubbish, he hadn't fully woke up yet. "Wh- what? Sidney?.. HOLY SHIT Y/N!" Randy had a moment of realisation (when he saw me awake) that must've hit a bit too hard, causing him to shout. I shushed him, knowing that Dewey and Stu were still fast asleep. He whispered an apology, then he just stared at me, his eyes were slowly fluttering shut again.. he was trying his best to keep them open.

"Randy, please go back to sleep.. you're tired" While I spoke, I stroked his hair. He mumbled something as his head relaxed down onto my legs, he fell asleep instantly while I continued to comfortingly caress his messy, brown hair.

Sidney was still awake. She looked to me and gestured towards Randy, "mind if I do the same?" She asked, her eyes becoming droopy. "Not at all" I replied as she gently placed her head down, I began to stroke the top of her head in a comforting fashion, like what I did to Randy.. and soon enough, she also fell into a deep sleep.

I, myself was beginning to feel this exhaustion.. I lay back in the bed and fall asleep straight away. I felt the tranquility engulf me, to which the sleep I was currently gaining.. felt like the most peaceful I've ever had.
Word count: 758
A/N: Again, this is quite a short chapter compared to my other ones, but it is just a 'filler' chapter to present the aftermath of the attack, i hope that makes sense. Also a date with Randy is coming up soon.. stay tuned for that ;)

In love with the geek ~ Randy Meeks x readerWhere stories live. Discover now