~ Chapter 27 ~

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Darkness. A blank, empty space. I could see no more nor any less. Just darkness.

My eyes, they refused to open.

My body, it refused to move.

I have no control over myself in this current moment... the only thing that seems to be in working order, is my hearing.

Voices, cries, and whimpers. That's all I can hear. They were all muffled and faint, but I could tell they were nearby. I recognised the voices as being Billy and Sidney. However, Billy sounded like the devil, in his purest form. And Sidney.. well, she sounded distressed; she sounded like a victim in a scary movie.

Shock and horror returned to me as my memory became clear; Billy is a killer. He shot me... and not only that, but he also shot my boyfriend. What type of fucking nightmare is this?

Although I was still unable to physically move, I could feel my heart pounding in my chest at a highly concerning rate. The pain of my wounds had simmered down, I felt numb.

Tap.. tap.. tap..
Light footsteps made their way over to my body, that was presumably still on the floor. I sensed that this person was purposely attempting to be as quiet as possible. Maybe they are here to help?

A large hand formed a light grip on my shoulder, then continued to lightly shake my body. This was enough to bring me back to a conscious state, my eyes flung open. The sight revealed to me, crushed my heart... there he was. Randy. Laying there (still), knocked out.

I didn't have much time to get too upset about my love however, as a familiar pair of arms pulled me up. My eyes met with a pair of bloodshot blue ones: Stu. I cant tell you how happy I am to see Stu, I know he's no killer.

We silently communicated to each other. I didn't want to leave Randy on the floor, but Stu persuaded me to move somewhere slightly safer. Us two made our way over to the basement door, creaked it open, and entered.

I'd only managed to get down a couple of stairs before Stu stopped me, "..y/n.. Tatum.. she's dead.." Stu spoke in a whisper, his voice cracking and shaking at the same time; his head hung low. I didn't know what to say, I was in complete shock; I couldn't form any words. Stu spoke up again, "she's.. she's down there.." he gestured down to the basement, his hands shivering.

I sniffled and wiped a tear away. Tatum and I may have not had the best relationship ever, but she was still one of my closest friends... I just can't believe she's gone.

After a moment of silence, I continued to walk down the stairs. The garage door was slightly open, I didn't even look that way.. i could just feel the cool breeze blowing in.

"Where?" I asked Stu, who was still stood at the top of the stairs - he refused to come down for a bit, he didn't want to see his own girlfriend in that state again. "She's over by the garage door.." I heard him whisper back, between his tears and sniffles.

I moved my attention to garage door, my eyes drastically searched the area: nothing. No Tatum. Nothing at all. "Stu.. she's not here" my voice flooded with confusion, where is she?

"What do you mean?" Stu replied, he didn't come down. I could tell he was still composing himself.

My eyes were caught my a shiny, dark red liquid that was spilled on the floor (near the garage door). Is that... blood? It was smeared across the floor.. almost like a wounded body had been dragged. My eyes trailed along it, it lead outside. I didn't dare move, nor did follow it. What if it's a trap? It seems convenient that the door is slightly open, and there's a trail of blood.. practically saying "follow me". So for now, I'll stick to strictly using my eyes only.

As the presumable path of blood got further away, it reached a tree that's in the front garden. It didn't take long for me to spot a hanging object that looked suspiciously like a body. Holy shit. That's when I noticed the recognisable yellow top, and tie dye skirt.. Tatum.

"Stu.. shut the fucking garage door.." I sounded extremely serious at this point. "Stu?!" No answer.. "STU-" I turned around and to my horror, Stu was laying on the floor.. covered in blood and fresh wounds. How did I not notice?

This time, I couldn't stop myself. The tears rumbled down my cheeks in herds; I can't lose him, he's my best friend. I'm going to get my revenge on whatever asshole did this.

I knew that I couldn't stay there much longer, but promised myself I'd be back to check on him once I knew the others were okay.. and hopefully some sort of help will arrive soon.

I spun back around and ducked my head down slightly, allowing myself to exit the garage. I walked out, cautious of my surroundings. I was very much aware of my environment, and I'm on high alert.

I am not letting those bastards win, not tonight. This is the night that I end them. Both of them.
Word count: 888

In love with the geek ~ Randy Meeks x readerWhere stories live. Discover now