~ Chapter 4 ~

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Monday, September 2nd 1996
Woodsboro High School
- End of the school day

The school day went pretty smoothly. Some people welcomed me, others gave me weird looks and glances of judgement, but nothing too serious. All my classes were easy to understand and I don't feel as though I've missed a whole year of my education, even though I have, I think I'll be able to catch up quickly.

I'm now walking out one of the school buildings, I need to find Stu so we can walk home together. I saw him, waiting by the fountain for me. He had spotted me too and waved me over. I was about to go to him but then, "hey y/n!" I recognised the voice, it was Randy. I didn't waste any time to turn around to greet him "hi Randy! Everything okay?". "Yeh, I was just wondering if you would be able to start work tonight? I believe that's when your first shift is, obviously I'm working too, will be just us two." He explained, he seems nervous when talking, I sent him a warm and reassuring smile, which I'm sure was appreciated greatly. He seems to calm down when I smile at him, it's cute. "Oh yeh, I'll get Stu to drop me off or someth-" "I can come and pick you up if you want?" He cut me off, sounding rather eager and enthusiastic. "That would be lovely! Umm so I'll see you later then, I don't want to keep Stu waiting any longer.. It was nice talking, Randy!" I said. "Yeh see you later y/n, same to you!" We both smiled widely at each other, the two of us looked to be blossoming red in our faces.

I waved goodbye to Randy then made my way over to Stu, who was still patiently lingering around the water fountain. "Hey sorry to keep you wait-" "what did the geek want?" He sounded serious yet playful at the same time. "Oh it was just about work, I've got a shift tonight so I'll be back later this evening. Randy said he'll pick me up and presumably drop me off"

With that said, we then proceeded to walk home. Once back, I had a couple hours to chill out before work. I was very excited... for work and getting to see Randy more.

~ Short Time Skip ~

A few hours had passed so I changed into my work clothes, which were surprisingly very comfy and cute. What a plus!

Ring Ring Ring
It was the phone. "Y/n can you get it? It's probably the geek" I laughed and ran to downstairs to the phone. "Hello?" I spoke with a questioning tone, still unaware of who was calling. "Hello? Who's this?" A deep, monotone, groggy voice replied. "Sorry man, i think you have the wrong number? Goodni-" "wait, don't hang up! I have a question.." I tried to talk but then got cut off by the peculiar, unrecognisable voice. "Fine, make it quick, I've got work" I said. "Don't worry, we'll be quick.. what's your favourite scary movie?". I sighed in relief and laughed, "Okay nice try Randy.. but asking about horror movies gave you away on that one" I waited for a reply... "I'm not Randy." He sounded serious, but I wasn't about to let Randy successfully prank me. "Randy I'm not stupid, come on I know it's you, just get your ass here so we can go to-" "IM NOT THAT FUCKING GEEK.. AND IF YOU DONT BELIEVE ME.. THEN YOU BETTER BELIEVE ME WHEN I GUT YOU LIKE A FISH" Now I know it's not Randy... yeh sure he may have a horror freaked mind, but there's no well in hell that he'd do this to me. I didn't know what to say, part of me wanted to assume it was some asshole playing a prank.. but I had a gut feeling ((no pun intended hehe)) that his guy was serious. What did he want from me? Why me? I was so caught up in my own thoughts, "what's wrong? Cat got your tongue?" I heard him say from the other side of the line followed by a dark chuckle. I saw Randy's car pull up onto the driveway. "Hey look asshole, I've gotta go now, don't fucking call me ever again!" "Hey don't you DARE hand u-" I hung up before he could even finish his stupid sentence.

I decided not to think much of the call, I didn't even bother to tell Stu about it.. I just left and got in Randy's car. "Hey you look a bit shaken up.. everything okay? What happened?" Randy seemed genuinely concerned, he began to pull out of the driveway. "Just some asshole prank calling me" I replied. "What did they say?" he queried. I pondered for a moment, recalling exactly what they said to me, "they asked me what my favourite horror movie was, so I assumed that it was you calling me as a prank, but then he shouted at me and said he would gut me like a fish... he was telling me not to hang up the phone, but I did when I saw you" I explained, still feeling a bit nervous. "That seems serious, maybe you should tell the police?" Randy suggested. "I considered it, I think If it happens again I will report it to the police. Chances are they'll just say it's a prank if I tell them now"

~ Short Time Skip ~
Bradley's Video Store

Randy and I were now an hour into our shift, it had settled down a lot now. The lack of customers allowed us to chat and hang out together. Unsurprisingly, we spoke about movies (specifically horror) and even suggested a few we should watch together one time.

Randy was putting away some movies in the horror section as someone walked in. So I made my way over to the counter, ready for them. A boy, who I didn't personally know, was walking towards the counter. He had dirty blonde hair and I believe he's called Wes.

From only one day at school, I could tell he was the guy that all the ladies swooned for. Me not being included in that collective... he seems like a total dick.

"Hey, how can I help you?" I asked, when he reached the counter. He had picked up a movie from the action section while making his way over to me, "Just this please". I saw Randy giving Wes a judging look, which made me giggle on the inside.

I began typing in the numbers of the DVD when I heard Wes speak, "you're the new girl at school right?" He asked while looking at me. "Yeh that's me, it's nice to meet you" I forced a fake smile, Randy could tell I wasn't being genuine and that made him chuckle to himself. But obviously 'Mr self involved' in front of me, didn't pick up on it. "So y/n, I was wondering if I could take you out sometime? I mean we could even go back to mine and see what happens ya know..." I just looked at him while he spoke, I'd never felt so uncomfortable in my life, he filled me with pure disgust.

Randy was still listening in from across the room. "Thanks for the offer, but I'm going to decline that one" Again I sent him a fake smile. "What?" He sounded confused at the rejection. "Oh sorry is there an issue? oh and that's $3 for the DVD, we expect it back in the next 7 da-" "Nah I don't even want the fucking DVD, I only came here to ask you out.. EVERY GIRL WANTS ME?? Why not you" He started shouting at me. Randy had the urge to get involved but I put my hand up signalling I was okay to deal with this alone, I appreciate his concern though. "Congratulations, you've just hit the Jackpot! You've found the reason as to why you're an absolute ass and quite frankly also the reason I want you to get out of my sight within the next three seconds" I spoke with pure confidence and I meant every damn word. Wes didn't mess about, I could tell he wasn't a boy who would easily accept defeat, but this time he didn't want to deal with the embarrassment. I laughed seeing him rush out the door. Randy also began to conjure some laughter of his own.

Randy finished putting away the horror movies and then came over to me, I was sorting through some boxes of DVDs in a back room. "Hey" I said while my back was turned to him. "How did you know I was here?" He asked, curious to know how I could tell. "I just had a feeling, I sensed you I suppose" we both laugh as Randy then brought me round so I was facing him. "Why did you reject Wes? Everyone wants him, why not you?" I could sense a slight bit of jealousy from Randy when Wes came over to me, it's almost like he was expecting me to go out with him. "Well from what I've seen, he's a total dick.. and he definitely just wants to get in my pants. Besides I've got my eyes on someone else who doesn't hold these toxic traits" I looked up and met Randy's gaze while saying the last part of that sentence. His face lit up, and blossomed a pinkish tint. He looked adorable when slightly flustered. "Oh really, and who might this lucky person be?" He smirked. "Oh I don't know if you'll know him.. he's adorable though with his messy brown hair and bright blue eyes.. he has a nice nose too" I booped his nose because I felt like expressing my current feelings, just subtly.

Randy had a happy expression painted across his face. He was about to say something and then... Ring Ring Ring... the phone. "I'll get it" I say to him, I wink and squeeze past him to go answer it. "Bradley's video store, how can I help you?" I asked and then waited for a reply... "hello again y/n"

Word count: 1.71k

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