~ Chapter 17 ~

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A/N: Thank you so much for over 230 reads! I started this story about 1 week ago now, and I never thought it'd get so many reads, especially in such a short amount of time. I hope everyone is having a great day/night, enjoy the story :)
Tuesday, October 29th 1996

I had been discharged from the hospital earlier on this morning. I was quick to regain energy, and I feel much better already.

Stu was also recovering well, and the others were all relieved that the two of us were alive.

We had informed the police that there were 2 of these killers dressed as ghosts when Stu and I were interviewed. I'm still shaken up by this new discovery, and I don't want to encounter either of them again...

I'm currently sat in the front (passenger) seat of Randy's car, while he's driving. Stu and Tatum sat in the back of the same car, while Billy drove his own car with Sid.

The six of us had all taken a day off school today, we planned on going out to escape the heat of everything. We drove to the next town, nearest to Woodsboro, which contained many different things that we could do. The shopping mall is the place we are heading to right now.

I'm enjoying the relaxing vibe of the car ride. Music played from the radio ever so slightly, and Randy was focussed on the road ahead but still made the effort to send a comforting smile my way every so often during our conversation. "I'm sure it wasn't thaaat bad.. I would've been able to escape without any injuries I'm sure.." Tatum's voice was quiet and mumbled, as if her statement was only intended to be heard by Stu.. but Randy and I could hear it perfectly fine.

Without making it too obvious, we quietened down our own conversation, listening in on Stu and Tatum.. well, mostly just Tatum as Stu didn't say much. "I'm just saying.. surely a man like you could've done more in defence?" Tatum questioned.. what a bitch. I have my opinions on her, but I force myself to deal with her as I can't be bothered with the 'drama' of everything. "Look Tate, I didn't know what to do.. it's not everyday someone tries to kill you, I was panicki-" "yeh yeh whatever" Tatum cut off Stu's words. I've never seen the pair act this way with each other before, usually they are all loving and attentive. But this was far from that.

I subtly turned my head to the side, just enough so Stu could see me, but not necessarily Tatum. I shot him a sympathetic smile, which was greatly appreciated. I didn't want him to feel as though he didn't do the right thing while being attacked, what more could he have done? It's a scary, heart racing experience. The most important thing is that he's here now, him and i both survived. That's all that matters.

Once we parked up, everyone hopped out. A sense of pure excitement filled the air around me, we all needed this break.

"Mind if we go eat first? I'm hungry" Stu expressed while we walked towards the mall. Everyone agreed and so we stopped by a small café that was located on the first floor.

Our group all sat together around a table, placing the sandwiches and drinks down that we'd just bought, before tucking in.

I have to admit, this is the first time in a couple of weeks that our group has felt.. close again. It's not perfect; but most things aren't. Ever since my personal attack when the whole murder situation became more serious, we've all been quite distant. Well, not all of us.. Tatum and Billy the most. I mean, we're usually with each other at school and such, but there was something different; our conversations weren't really hitting the standard, if you will. But now, in the present moment, I can feel us all collectively slipping back to old ways. I enjoy this feeling that's being radiated from our group, it comforts me greatly. Sure, we all have our bad days.. but it's not all that bad. Tatum always seems.. bitchy.. but I can deal with her. And Billy.. well, Billy is just.. Billy. There isn't much more to say. I'm trying to move on from my suspicions of him being the killer.. or one of the killers rather, as there's been no proof nor has there been anymore evidence. However, I'm not completely ruling out the possibility of him being a murderer.. that guys got killer printed all over his forehead. But for now, I'm going to focus on the current day, and soak up this warm and satisfactory feeling of happiness.

I must have zoned out as I snapped back to reality when I heard, "y/n.. y/n..? Are you going to eat your food? .. or just stare at it.." Stu said while looking at me.

I then began eating and noticed Randy turn to me, "you okay?" He whispered to me in his usual soothing voice, his bright blue eyes filled with slight worry. I nodded my head in reply, letting him know that I'm okay. Randy took it upon himself to place his free hand on my thigh. This earned a giggle from myself as my face burned up in a red glow. Just his touch was enough to make me go crazy.. it sounds pretty silly but it's true.

The rest of the day was filled with laughter and a high, positive energy. I'd even forgotten about the previous attack, and the one before that, and everything to do with the murders in general. I just hope they find those sick people soon, so we can all settle down.

~ Short Time Skip ~

"Bye guys!" Randy and I spoke in unison whilst saying our goodbyes to Stu and Tatum. Stu was staying at hers tonight, so Randy dropped them both off on the way back from the mall.

"Hey y/n.. umm are you busy tonight?" Randy asked me, he seemed nervous. "Nope, why?" I'm now extremely curious. "Well I planned something that's all, a date.. for us.. so do you want to g-" "YES!" I cut Randy off in pure excitement. We both laughed as Randy pulled onto the driveway of my house.

I went to open the car door, "wait.." Randy spoke up, making me pause for a moment. He got out of the car, walked round and opened the door for me. He's such a gentleman.

"Okay, don't go anywhere, I've just gotta go sort some things out at home.. and I'll be back in about 20 minutes to pick you up" Randy spoke as a heartwarming, beaming smile appeared on his face. "Right, gotcha! Is there any dress code I should keep in mind?" I giggled. "Just wear something comfy.. no need to dress up" he replied. This made me even more curious as to what he has planned for us... time will tell.

I threw my arms up and placed my hands around the back of Randy's neck, he held my waist, pulling me in closer. We silently looked into each other's eyes for a moment, before kissing. It was a kiss full of passion.. soon Randy said his goodbyes and drove away. He'll soon be back to pick me up.

Once I was back in my room, I hopped in the shower and then picked out an outfit for our date. Randy said to keep it comfy so I obliged by that. I wore a pair of brown sweatpants and a cream chunky knit sweater. I looked and felt super cute! Randy would definitely agree with that statement.

I dried my hair, and did some light makeup. Keeping it natural with some mascara, blush, highlighter, and lip balm. I didn't do anything crazy because I assumed we weren't going anywhere fancy judging by the dress code I was given.

Knock.. knock.. knock..
It's Randy, he's finally back. I swung open the door to reveal my man. There he stood, grey sweatpants and a striped top. He looked absolutely ADORABLE! (As per usual of course). I was filled with happiness knowing that I can call him mine..
Word count: 1335

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