~ Chapter 5 ~

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Monday, September 2nd 1996
Bradley's Video Store

Ring Ring Ring
"Bradley's video store, how may I help you?" ... "hello again y/n". It's the creep from before, I knew he wanted me to be scared so I kept my cool. He won't be satisfied if I don't react to him, so I'll try my best.

I was about to say something, but the stranger spoke again, "it was rude of you to hang up on me earlier." "Yeh well, I had work. I didn't have time to talk to you" I replied, trying to sound as casual as possible.

"You look upset and lonely" I heard the low, rough voice say.. was he watching me? And if so, where was he hiding? "Why don't you quit being such a pussy and stop hiding yourself!" My confident remark was met with a deep chuckle from the other line.

Was I scared? Yes. Did I want him to know that? No. It's simple really, I act as confident as I can and he won't be satisfied. He won't enjoy it if I'm not pleading for him to leave me alone.. or so I hoped.

I saw Randy emerge from the back room, he was holding a few DVDs and then he saw that I was still on the phone. He wouldn't have thought much of it, just another customer phone call.. but I lost my patience with this sick man and shouted at him, which interrupted the evil remarks he was making, and concerned Randy greatly. "Honestly, why don't you get a fucking life, huh? Calling me in attempt to scare me.. well, I hate to step on your moment mister, but it's NOT working!"

Randy made eye contact with me, "is it the guy from earlier?" He whispered to me from afar, I nodded my head yes in response. He then almost instantly switched into 'protective' mode and walked up to me, he gestured for me to hand over the phone.. and as I was about to do so, the mysterious man spoke once more. This time sounding much more evil and darker than previously. "Aww what do we have here? Your little boyfriend won't be able to protect you.. I'll leave your insides to hang freely on the outside.. and the same goes for him." Shivered shot down my spine hearing those words. Randy was now close enough to hear what was said over the phone and immediately snatched it out of my hand, but by the time he'd started shouting, the sick-minded man had already hung up. Typical.

Randy slams the phone back down, I could tell he was angry, and rightly so. I was too, but fear had started to get the better of me. "Hey hey, we'll be fine" Randy pulled me in for a hug, "how about we shut the store now? It's only an hour earlier anyway, and I think our safety is much more important" he suggested, still holding me tight.

I feel so safe in Randy's arms, the amount of comfort I feel when around him is unbelievable. My eyes were now closed as my head was resting against his chest, I could hear and feel his heartbeat. I wanted this moment to last forever but Randy soon spoke up, "hey
y/n? As much as I'm loving this moment, we really should leave here... We can hug another time when we aren't in as much danger" I giggled into his chest, then pulled away. "Yeh you're right Randy, okay let's close up and leave. We need to be careful when going outside, it's pretty dark and if that man could see us before, then there's a possibility he's still out there"

I was still scared, I'm desperately trying to suppress my shaking out of pure shock and fear. But it was proving difficult to do so. Randy noticed how shaken up I was and gave me another quick hug before we left the store. He also placed a kiss on the top of my head, god I was starting to fall deeply in love with this man...

~ Short Time Skip ~
The Macher Residence ( my home )

Randy and I were travelling down the country road, which my house was located on. "Randy?" He hummed in reaction to hearing me say his name, "do you want to stay round with me and Stu tonight? I think I'd feel safer. Oh and didn't you say that your family were away for the next couple days? Because I don't want you to stay alone, not with that creep watching us" Randy pulled into the driveway, and parked the car. He turned to me and said, "I mean if you and Stu don't mind, then I suppose so.. it's probably for the best. I'll leave earlier in the morning so I can go and get ready for school at my place"

And with that said, we both clambered out of his car and went inside. "Stu, I'm back!" I shouted so he could hear me. Everything was quiet for a moment, no reply. But then out of nowhere, Stu came hurtling down the stairs, "hey are you okay?" I asked, frantically. "Yes" that's all he said. "Do you do that often, Stu?" Randy asked. "Yes" Stu and I answer the question in unison.

After a moment of realisation, Stu turned to face Randy. "Why are you here?" Stu questioned, adding extra emphasis on the word 'you'. Randy seemed slightly offended at Stu's reaction to seeing him, "Randy's staying with us tonight, I keep getting phone calls from some random creep and he's threatened us with some gruesome stuff, Randy's safest with us" I explained, whilst giving Randy a reassuring smile. "So you don't think I'm enough to protect you on my own, y/n?" Stu commented, sounding slightly annoyed but I could tell he was joking. "I mean I could definitely protect myself, I'm a strong girl" I laughed as Stu gently squeezed my arm, "hmm I'm not feeling any big muscles there.." he added. "Heyy!" I began to chase Stu around but then he started chasing me. Oh no, I'm in trouble now.

Stu is way bigger than me and soon I was swung over his shoulder. "Not so strong now are you?" He commented with a smirk on his face. Randy was watching us, he laughed along but seemed a bit.. jealous? Me and Stu are close but we would never officially date. We just act like we are a couple most of the time.

Stu proceeded to throw me (with force, might I add) down onto the sofa. "Right well I'm off to bed now, goodnight love birds" Stu winked and smirked at me and Randy, neither of us knew what to say to his comment about us two, so just said goodnight and left it at that.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" I suggested, turning to face Randy while I spoke. "Yeh sure, what did you have in mind?" Randy sounded happy about this. "Umm let's see.." I walk over to the cupboard where we keep our DVDs, "How about Terror Train? It's the first one I can see from here" I picked it up and turned to Randy for confirmation, "of course, anything with Jamie Lee in... I'm down to watch it" He smirked. "You got a crush on her?" He looked at me as I spoke, looking a little red in the face he answered with a simple "yes, I do". This earned a giggle from myself as I replied to his confession "don't we all.."

We'd been watching the movie for a while now; Randy and I were sat on the couch, we were pretty close but I desired to be even closer to him. I'd already began to forget about the creepy phone calls, Randy made me feel so safe in this situation.

I noticed Randy let out an over exaggerated yawn while stretching his arms up, his right arm landed around my shoulders. Real smooth Randy.. real smooth. This persuaded me to move closer to him, so I obliged. Randy placed his left hand onto my leg and softly stroked it with his thumb in a comforting way.

My eyelids became heavy fast, and I drifted off to sleep listening to the sound of Randy's heartbeat which drowned out the movie that we were watching. I could get used to this.

I've never felt so close and comfortable with someone so quickly before, usually I'd find it hard to trust people but Randy is different. We have so much in common for a start, and there's just something about the way we act when together that's.. magical. I know it sounds silly but I really mean it. I'm starting to ease my way towards the beginning of something serious with him. And that's how I want it to be.. I just hope he's feeling the same.

Word count: 1.49k

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