~ Chapter 14 ~

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Woodsboro High School

I walked out of the current lesson I was in; it's now lunchtime. I noticed Billy standing nearby, leaning against a few lockers. I assumed it was a coincidence, but began to question that when he stared directly at me. It was like he was noting my every move. This unsettled me greatly. For a moment I thought he was going to start walking with me, but he hung back a little.

Instead of going straight out to the others by the water fountain, I stopped at the bathroom. Again, similarly to earlier, I didn't even need to go. I just wanted to compose myself slightly.

A few deep breaths later, I proceeded to walk to my friends.. oh and my boyfriend of course. I was excited to see Randy! I know it was only this morning when I saw him last, but I missed him already. He's just that type of guy, can't get enough of him!

I wasn't in the best of moods, Billy had really put me 'on-edge', if you will. However, I still walked over with a smile on my face. This smile transformed into a genuine and heartwarming one as soon as I met Randy's gaze. His bright blue eyes seemed to admire me, and rightly so, I am quite the woman.. even if I do say so myself.

Randy stood up from his seated position to greet me, "hello, my love" he kissed me, to which I returned that gesture. I giggled and greeted him back. "My love.. hm?" Stu turned to Randy and myself with a smirk prominently painted across his face. Randy took his seat back on the wall, I sat on his lap which earned a chuckle from him as he wrapped his comforting arms around me. It's as if he could tell there was something wrong; he just knows. "Uhh.. yeh, surprise! we're dating" I replied to Stu's comment in an enthusiastic tone of voice, shooting Randy a smile followed by planting a kiss on his cheek.

"It's about time!" Sidney expressed whilst smiling bright, "I've been waiting for you two to get together for the longest time.." she giggled and so did Randy and I.

~ Time Skip ~
Saturday, October 12th 1996

It's now Saturday 12th, making it almost 2 whole weeks since my attack. Stu's parents had returned home from their current business trip after receiving news of what happened to me. They spent some time at home with us before leaving again. 

After Casey and Steve were murdered, everything settled down for a while.. but this time, it didn't. Things kept getting worse.

Student after student after student were all dropping one by one; being brutally murdered by this masked man. Still, the police couldn't find him.

I had finally confessed my suspicions of Billy to Dewey. He said he'll bare my evidence in mind but on the grand scheme of things, it wasn't nearly enough to be able to class Billy as a prime suspect to the case, which I knew.

I was thankful that none of my friends (or my boyfriend) have been attacked within the past couple of weeks. And I hope it will stay like that.

I invited Sidney over to my place for a sleep over tonight. Sidney and I get along really well, it took her a few days to settle with me when I first started at Woodsboro High, but she soon loosened up. And now we are best friends, the type that cares for each other no matter what. She's always there for me and vice versa; if anything happens to Sidney, I'm going to fuck up whoever hurt her.

Sidney and I were having a great time! We listened to music, watched some movies, ate some snacks, and even gave each other makeovers (we look fabulous by the way). We settled down slightly, exhausted from dancing around my room to the music.

"So y/n.. tell me about you and Randy.." She sounded curious, and she had the most heartwarming smile on her face. I looked at her and giggled, "he's everything I could ever want! I mean we're just perfect for each other.. the two horror geeks, that's us!" Sidney's smile stayed upon her face as she listened to me, "aw you two seem to be getting along nicely then!" She looked away slightly, as if she was deep in thought. Her smile slowing fading, "hey Sid? You okay?" I asked her, becoming concerned. "Uhh.. ye- well, not really.." I could see her mood changing. I moved closer to her and wrapped my arm around her, "hey... it's okay, you wanna talk about it?". Sidney adjusted herself to become more comfortable in my embrace, "it's just Billy, I'm worried about our relationship.. nothing has been the same since.." she paused, as if she didn't want to say something. "Don't worry Sid, I know what you're saying". She was referring to her mothers death (murder rather), I know it affected her greatly which had an effect on her relationship with Billy - which is understandable.

I carried on comforting Sidney, she thanked me for my behaviour towards her and expressed how she appreciated it. I love Sid so much, and hate to see her upset. I do the best I can to help.
Word count: 888
A/N: This was a short chapter, which focused on Sidney more.. hopefully this helps to show her relationship with y/n. I want to make sure I keep presenting the relationships between y/n and characters other than Randy. I probably could've wrote more, but I was too happy with the fact the word count is 888! :)
~ Things are about to get interesting in the next chapter... stay tuned :D

In love with the geek ~ Randy Meeks x readerWhere stories live. Discover now