~ Chapter 39 ~

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That next morning, I woke up in bed with Randy. I knew that the atmosphere felt different to usual, I'm in his dorm room. I adjusted my position slightly, realising that he was also awake as he's stroking my hair in a comforting fashion.

I lifted myself up slightly to view the clock that rest upon Randy's bedside table, 7:58 am.

Holy shit. We both slept through the whole entire night, even though it was early when we first fell asleep. And time was ticking, we had to get ourselves up as class would be starting soon.

"Randy, I'll see you later, gotta go back to my dorm!" I kissed him before rushing up and out of the door.

I did however go back in his dorm upon realising I was wearing nothing but Randy's shirt.

After a grabbing my clothes, I was once again exiting the room, making my way back to my own.

I tried the door... locked.


I rummaged around my pockets and pulled out my key, 'thank god I carry this around everywhere' I thought to myself, unlocking the door and entering.

No one.

My dorm room is empty and eerily silent.

"Hello?" I waited a reply but I was yet again met by pure nothingness.

No one in bed.

No one in the bathroom.

No one.

Where on earth are Hallie and Sid? I assume they both attended last night's party.

That's when I began to wonder about Stu. Stu shares a dorm with Randy, was he there this morning? I didn't check.

What is going on?

I composed myself and controlled my emotions, not wanting to overthink the situation. I threw on a button up shirt - rolling the sleeves up slightly - paired with some denim dungarees. Damn I look cute! I used the hair tie (which is always around my wrist) to throw my hair up into a messy bun.

There's a chance that Sidney and Hallie have already left for class... but I just have a gut feeling; there is a much more sinister undertone to today. And if I've learned anything in life (particularly over the past year and a half), it's to always trust my gut feeling.

I exited the school building and took a moment to observe my surroundings. I spotted Derek walking close to Sidney, the pair were being followed by two smartly dressed men. This isn't normal. I then saw Stu, he was walking into the college building (fashion department by himself); I'm glad that he's okay. I also noticed multiple reporters dotted around as usual, but today they were talking to students a lot more (as much as they could).

One reporter caught my eye, she was by herself and seemed to be snooping around. She has short brown hair, she's fairly small and is wearing a white top with a blue blazer and a brown purse; I don't recognise her but for some reason, I feel as though I know her. I allowed myself study the lady for a few minutes more, she walked up the stairs and entered the same building that Stu did; is this even allowed?

I brushed past that, someone will kick her out soon enough if she isn't supposed to be there.

Now I shall return to my original mission of spotting my friends, I've seen Sid, Derek, and Stu. That only leaves Randy, Mickey and Hallie left to spot. I obviously saw Randy this morning, so he should be safe but it's the other two that I'm worried about.

I turned to my left, noticing Randy making his way over to me. At the same time, Mickey was walking over from my right. And as if it was timed perfectly, both boys arrived either side of me in unison. We greeted each other and began speaking about the current situation. "So what's going on?" I asked, getting straight to the point. "You haven't heard about last night's party?" Mickey queried. Randy and I looked at each other, hesitated slightly before replying with, "..no?" "What happened?"

In love with the geek ~ Randy Meeks x readerWhere stories live. Discover now