~ Chapter 25 ~

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"There are certain rules that one must abide by in order to successfully survive a horror movie, for instance.. rule number one, you can never have sex.." Randy had began to deliver his 'horror movie rules' speech in front of the rowdy crowd of teens, who were all currently boo-ing him in reaction to 'rule 1'. ".. sex equals death okay?.." he added, everyone still disagreeing with him. "Well.. I'm a dead man" Stu commented, he stuck his tongue out after he spoke and laughed to himself; a few people, who heard him, cheered for him while holding up their beer bottles. I looked directly at Randy, with a smirk prominently painted across my lips. Once he'd met my gaze, I sent him a wink; he smiled, almost flustered. "..it's a big no no!" Randy added, although he was now laughing slightly as he spoke (presumably because he knows he's broken that first rule).

"Okay.. rule number two, no drinking or doing drugs.." Everyone threw their hands up in the air whilst clutching their bottles and cheering. I for one found it quite ironic that Randy was drinking beer himself; that's 2 rules broken so far. "..It's a sin factor! It's an extension of number one.." Randy paused for a moment, allowing the group to settle before he spoke up again.

"And rule number three.. never ever EVER, under any circumstances say, 'I'll be right back', because you won't be back" And with that said, his rules speech was over. Randy was still stood up in front of everyone, then Stu jumped up from his seated position, "hey I'm getting another beer, you want one?" He asked, aiming his question at Randy. "Yeh sure" "I'll be right baaaack" Stu backed away dramatically, while over exaggerating his words. The whole group erupted into a tonne of noise in reaction to this comment; Randy looked shocked, "you push the laws and you end up dead okay?.. I'll see you in the kitchen with a knife" I was laughing the whole time, I'm enjoying myself so much tonight.

The movie had been playing for a bit longer, still no sign of Stu, Tatum, or that other girl, and I'm going to assume Sid and Billy are still upstairs. I'm not going to lie, I'm slightly worried, but I was also not about to go looking around; I feel safer when with this group.

Ring.. ring.. ring..
"I'll get it" I said whilst standing up; Randy paused the movie. I picked up the phone, "hello?" .. "yeh".. "oh shit.."

Upon placing the phone back down, I turned to the group - who were now all silent - in a serious fashion. "Listen up, they found Principal Himbry dead.. he was gutted and hung-" I didn't even get to finish my sentence before the guys shouted, "what are we waiting for?" "Let's go see him before then pull him down"

I viewed them in confusion. Randy was the only one who stayed seated as the rest of the group hurtled out of the front door. Soon engines could be heard, roaring down the country road.

I turned my focus back to Randy, he was already looking at me. "And then there were two.." I smiled, which was met by an even brighter smile from him.

Randy and I were now cuddled up on the couch, completely focussed on the movie. The two of us were shouting things like, "look behind you!" at the main character on screen.

I could've sworn I felt a dark and cold presence lingering behind us.. I was hesitant to check at first. Randy was too tranced by the movie, I controlled my breathing and turned my head, expecting the worst. Nothing. Nothing at all. I don't know why, but I've got this bad feeling.. something is happening.

I attempted to just shrug it off, but that proved a challenge. I could've sworn I heard footsteps rushing down the stairs,.. but by this point, I don't even know whether something is coming from real life or if it's just the movie. However, that strange presence seemed to linger around us again.. this time I know; someone is there.

I composed myself, I knew that if there was a threat there.. I would have to do something in defence.

Turning my head, that's when I saw it. That same ghostly figure that's been terrorising Woodsboro this past couple of month.. both arms held high above their head. And in their hands, they clutched a sharp blade, which was ready to stab their victims; which in this case.. just so happened to be me and Randy.

Within a split second, the knife was plummeting down towards me with force. I panicked and attempted to manoeuvre myself to the best of my ability, but it was no use. The pain started gushing through my whole entire body.. I wasn't stabbed only once, I could identify multiple wounds. I heard Randy shout as I felt myself slip away; my eyes closing.. I really can't deal with this, not again. This time, I was unsure on whether or not I'd make it. My breathing became increasingly heavier, then everything went black.
Word count: 862

A/N: This is only a small chapter, but I wanted to get another published before I go away. So this will most likely be the last chapter that I post before I leave, but not to worry.. I'll be back publishing more in a week or so! Hope everyone is enjoying the story so far, have a great day/night! :)

In love with the geek ~ Randy Meeks x readerWhere stories live. Discover now