~ Chapter 37 ~

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Fashion class

I don't major in fashion nor am I here to learn anything; I should be in film class right now but I needed a break from all the murder talk.

I'm here for Stu.

Scanning the room I saw many enthusiastic and creative looking faces. I have to admit, everyone looks so kind and welcoming; I love the whole vibe and atmosphere of this area a lot more.

"Y/n!" A familiar voice called out, causing me to instantly turn towards the direction of which it originated from. Soon my eyes spotted Stu, well-dressed but still casual, standing in front of a table that had a wide variety of different materials and equipment thrown all over the place yet in such an organised manner. Stu himself stood with open arms and had a wide grin on his face, i didn't hesitate to rush over and sink into his warm embrace.

"How come you're here?" He asks, curiosity growing in his voice. "I'm just shocked about the recent murders I suppose, needed a break from it all" I explained whilst pulling away from the hug. "Yeah that's understandable, I'm trying not to think about it too much myself, doing this is distracting me though so I'm coping" Stu gestures to the table in front of him "Its not everyday that we get to practice making our own clothing.." he continued, "..which reminds me.." Stu clears a space, places a box down and opens it to reveal a something f/c (favourite colour). He picks it up, allowing me to see the item in its pure glory, "ta-daaa!" He expressed while presenting a i/o/c (item of clothing) - I'll leave this up to you, it could be a blazer? A dress? - "Stu! That is fantastic! Did you make this?" I said, taking hold of the well made item. "Yes, I made it for you" he replied, still smiling. "Really?! Thank you so much" I again flung into him arms to express how much I loved his gift. 


I stayed with Stu until the class was over, watching him cut and sew fabrics, it's truly mesmerising to observe.

Stu and I left the classroom, and continued to walk outside in order to find the rest of our friends. We passed the toilets and Stu asked me to wait for him while he went, "I'll only be a minute okay, just wait there"

I leaned against some lockers, getting lost in my own world.

Maureen Evans and Phil Stevens.

Those names were dominating my thoughts.

I was zoned out for what felt like hours, however it was only around 5 seconds. I flinched when feeling someone grab my arm.

"Woah, sorry y/n! I didn't mean to startle you" I turned to see Mickey, he had an apologetic smile on his face. "No worries Mickey, uhh.. you okay?" I asked, wondering what he was doing. "Yeh, have you seen Hallie anywhere? I can't find her" he sounded concerned. "Last time I saw her was in our dorm room this morning, sorry Mickey, I'm not sure where she's at now" I then began to wonder where Hallie actually was. I mean there's a chance she's with one of our other friends, or still in class, or studying somewhere, but with the recent murders, it worries me that she's not okay.

"You waiting for someone?" He questioned. "Yeh, Stu has just gone to the toilet" I gestured to the door; after I spoke, Mickey moved ever so slightly closer to me. "I want you to know that I'm here for you, y/n" he spoke in a soft and soothing voice. "Why are you all of a sudden being so nice?" I chuckled. "Hey! I'm always nice to you!" He argued in reply. "That's debatable" I smirked.

In love with the geek ~ Randy Meeks x readerWhere stories live. Discover now