~ Chapter 33 ~

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Later that day,
Stu and Randy's dorm room

After everyone had finished their classes for the day, we all met up in Stu and Randy's room. Although today marks the anniversary of something tragic, our energy has been high. We've all managed to get through the day, and our laughs and smiles are still present.

"So, costumes" Stu announces, it was time to finalise our outfits for the Halloween party - and yes, the dress code is full on costume.

"Do you have a costume?" Derek whispered to Sidney. "Not really, it's not exactly my thing" she quietly replied to him. "I was wondering if you'd want to see what I had planned.. it works as a matching couples costume type thing" Derek looked at Sidney with enthusiasm in his eyes, he spoke with a nervous voice. She held the eye contact and then smiled, "okay fine.. only because its you." Those two are so adorable I swear to god.

My costume is already planned. Actually, I'll rephrase that, our costumes are already planned; 'our' being Randy and myself, of course. We've decided to wear a couples costume because were iconic and cute.

After spending a bit more time together, our group dispersed off into the other dorm rooms so we could all get ready for the party. Hallie and Mickey decided to stay with Stu in his dorm to change, Sid went off with Derek, and I took Randy back to mine.


Derek's POV:
"I think you'll love what I've planned, I took into consideration that this isn't really your thing so..." I opened my dorm room door to reveal the two outfits that I'd already placed out on my bed, "..here they are" I lead Sidney over to the costumes, she studied them and waited for me to explain them in greater detail, so I did.

"Aww I actually love this idea! Thanks Derek.." she pulled me in for a hug, I felt something that I've never felt before; I think I love Sidney more than a friend. "..you're much more organised than me" she mumbled into my chest.

Butterflies erupted in my stomach just from being so close to her right now.

Okay that's it, I'm going to say something...

"Sid?" I loosened my grip, pulling away slightly to look at her. I brought my hands up and cupped her face, she leaned into my hands while holding eye contact with me. "Yes Derek?" She questioned curiously, with a smile on her face. "I'm just going to say this how it is.. I've been feeling different just recently.. you make me feel different, in the best way possible.." my cheeks burned up, her smile widened even more, "..so what I'm trying to say is, Sidney I like you more tha-" kiss.

She kissed me. She actually kissed me.

Before I gave myself chance to panic, I eased into the kiss, pulling her in closer to me.

Sidney pulled away. Looking up at me, she said, "I like you too, Derek"

I kissed her again, making it more passionate than the first. This girl drives me crazy.

"So.. are we.. official?" I nervously asked, my voice cracked ever so slightly. I prayed that Sidney didn't notice, but she did. "That was cute" she giggled and pecked my pink cheek, "oh and yeh, we're official" she said before swinging her arms up and over my shoulders. I grabbed her waist, holding her close.
End of Derek's POV


Y/N's POV:
"Everyone is about to blown away by our outfits" I turned to Randy with a smile whilst we walked down the hall to my dorm. "You can say that again, I think they'll be expecting something more horror themed, but personally I'm here for what we've chosen" he smiled back.

In love with the geek ~ Randy Meeks x readerWhere stories live. Discover now