~ Chapter 24 ~

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Later that same evening,
The Macher House

Ever since returning home from work, I've been chilling out in my room alone. I wanted to find a nice outfit for the party and do my makeup as well.

Earlier on, Stu decided to stay with me until my shift at the video store was over, then he drove us both home. While Randy headed back to his place after work, to change his clothes; I'll see him in a bit when the party starts.

"Y/n! Can you come help me please?" I heard Stu shout from downstairs. "Yeh, one minute!" I shouted back in reply. My outfit of choice was super cute but also comfy, it's safe to say: I look hot.. even if I do say so myself.

"You look great!" Stu observed my outfit whilst I made my way over to him; he was in the kitchen. "Thanks! You look pretty nice yourself" I complimented him back. Stu was wearing the usual sweater and jean combo but had also thrown on a red silk robe over the top. I have to say, it suits him!

"Could you grab some beers from the basement? I'll go check that everything else is ready, people will be arriving soon" Stu explained. "Yeh, sure.." I said, whilst already walking away towards the basement door.

Upon opening the door, I could feel a chilling gust of wind being sent my way. This was rather odd, I'm not sure why the temperature is so low. But my queries were soon put to rest once I'd spotted the root cause of this coldness. The garage door was open. "What.." I mumbled to myself. I'm not sure why or how it was, but I didn't hesitate to flick the switch on the wall, consequently closing the garage.

"Stu!" I shouted while standing on one of the first few steps of the basement stairs; I was slightly cautious of going any further by myself. No answer... "Stu!" I repeated myself. "Oh for fu-" "yeah?" All of a sudden Stu popped around the basement door. I jumped slightly at his unexpected appearance. "Did you leave the garage door open?" I questioned in a serious tone of voice. "No?" He looked at me in pure confusion. "Hm.. it was open, that's all.."

Stu decided to come downstairs to grab the beers with me, which is exactly what I wanted him to do.. I'm not taking any chances. I've seen my fair share of horror movies; basements are hotspots for murders. Randy would be so proud of me right now.. hehe.

Ghostface's POV:
I can't believe my plan was coming along perfectly. We have him; he's taped up. We also ditched his car in the nearby woods..

Who's 'he'? I hear you ask. Well, it would be wrong to tell you that. I think withholding that sort of information from you will be much more beneficial for me. Besides, I'm not going to give away the surprise. Ohh this is gonna be good, I'm a complete and utter genius.. an evil one.

You can probably guess who 'he' is.. but who knows? Maybe your suspicious are right.. maybe they're not..

I'd managed to open the garage door of the Macher house. Meanwhile, my costumed accomplice dragged the unconscious body along the lawn, it was dark enough now so no one could see us.

We shoved him into a dark and disclosed corner of the garage. Look at him, pathetic excuse of a man. Ohh this is about to be the best night of our lives.. the look that will be on all their faces.. the look that will be on her face. It's what she fucking deserves, I'm not regretting my plans one bit.

The sound of footsteps (from upstairs, outside the basement door) grew alarmingly louder. Shit. Someone's coming. We fled the scene while we still had the chance. The two of us heard the garage door begin to close once we were out, followed by a now muffled "Stu!" It was y/n.. I'm glad we didn't get caught.. although, killing her actually is of my best interest I have to say, but it would ruin our night. Plus, her time is coming..
End of Ghostface's POV.

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