~ Chapter 15 ~

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~ 2 weeks later ~
Saturday, October 26th 1996

The past 2 weeks have flown by. Soon things that were beyond believable, were becoming normality. For instance, everyday I'd wake up, and see that another student had been murdered. When will this nightmare end? I hate the fact that I'm used to receiving such gruesome news.. and I can't help but ask myself: when is it my turn? Sure, this 'ghostface' guy has attempted to kill me before, but failed. What if he tries again?

As much as I'd like to think that I'm safe.. I know for a fact that I'm not. Randy always has some 'horror movie' based reason of reassurance as to why I won't be getting mutilated any time soon. For example, the other day he told me, and I quote, "y/n, the killer isn't going to murder you any time soon. If this were a scary movie, it's very obvious that you are WAY too pretty to be killed this late on in the film!". I mean, he has a point. I'd love to believe it, but there's a slight difference between fictional life and reality - that's what stops me from believing Randy's ideologies. I have to admit, I do love his theories however. They always bring a smile to my face without fail. And considering I'm a horror maniac myself, I'm interested in what Randy has to say.

Anyway, now it's October 26th and Halloween is approaching. I absolutely LOVE Halloween, but this year in Woodsboro, things are evidently different. I'm sure my friends and I will still be able to celebrate in some way. I don't wish to allow one murderer to ruin something that only happens once a year.

I haven't don't much at all today, it's currently around 5:00pm. Stu was at Tatum's house this morning and early afternoon, he's back home now. Randy came round to see me for a couple hours this morning, I enjoyed his company (as usual). I wished he could've stayed longer, but he had to get back to his family. I think they were going out for lunch.. if I remember correctly, I hope they enjoyed it.

Knock knock knock ...
"One second!" I shouted in reaction to hearing knocking on my bedroom door. I put aside the paper and pencils that I was drawing on and with, then hopped up off of my bed. I opened the door to reveal Stu standing there. He didn't say anything, just hugged me. I'm highly confused right now, but naturally I returned the hug... I've missed this.

"You okay, Stu?" I asked, while tilting my head up to look at him. He didn't break the hug while he answered me, "yeh.. I'm just sorry". Okay now I'm even more confused, what's he done? Why's he apologising? "Sorry for.. what?" I asked, curious as ever. Stu then pulled away from the hug and looked down at me, "I've been spending a lot of time with Tatum just recently, leaving you alone quite a bit. I'm sorry for that, so I want to make it up to you.." I smiled at him, "Stu don't be so silly! She's your girlfriend, I get it." I reassured him. "I know, but I want to spend just as much time with my best friend too.. so, I was thinking we could have a movie night?" He suggested. "Yes of course we can!" My face lit up and I felt a sudden surge of happiness flood through my body. Stu and I decided to take a trip to the video store to get a few movies to watch, so that's what we did.

I threw on a sweater over the tank top I was wearing with a pair of mom jeans and slipped on some sneakers. The outfit was basic but cute! I felt comfortable and warm so that's always a plus. Stu and I hopped into his car and he began to drive us to the video store.

"Randy working tonight?" Stu asked while driving. "Yes, I believe so.. I think that Karen girl is working a shift with him." Stu side-eyed me for a split second, before his focus returned back on the road ahead, "you've seen the way she looks at Randy, right?" He asked. "Ohh yes, how could I not? She makes it too obvious, it starts to get creepy.. just staring all the time" I added in reply, feeling slightly protective over my own boyfriend. "I can see why she looks at him.. he's a good looking guy.." Stu commented with a smirk, he almost looked.. flustered? "Oooooo, has someone got a crush on Randy Meeks?" I said with a smirk followed by a giggle. "Whaaat.. me? Crushing on Meeks? Noooo.." Stu seemed a little defensive. He then mumbled something under his breath which sounded suspiciously like "he's sexy too". He's not wrong.. Ahh this was entertaining. The two of us laughed together and soon we arrived at the video store.

In love with the geek ~ Randy Meeks x readerWhere stories live. Discover now