~ Chapter 7 ~

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Monday, September 30th 1996

It's a been a whole 4 weeks since the brutal murders of Casey and Steve, which also marks the 4 week anniversary of those phone calls I received. The killer hasn't made another appearance since then; I find this extremely odd, I don't particularly want him to... but this can't be the end.

I want to try and move on - I'm sure everyone else does as well - but we can't just ignore the fact 2 of our classmates were butchered. I wish I could forget about it, but I cant. I have my suspicions that the killer isn't going to stop after just 2 people, this is only the beginning.

The police never found out who committed such a gruesome crime, which means whoever that sick fuck is... is still out there somewhere. He's probably closer than we think, hence why I've been on high alert the past couple weeks, everyone has.

Besides the whole murdering situation, everything else has been going smoothly. I'm still working at the video store (along with Randy) and I'm enjoying it. Speaking of Randy, me and him have been getting to know each other a lot more. I'd say we're practically dating by this point.. or at least, we act like we are. I'm just waiting for the day we become official.

One of my favourite things to do with Randy is watching movies. We once had a horror movie marathon; IT WAS AMAZING! Of course we cuddled while watching them... god we're so cute. And I'm looking forwards to the future of mine and his relationship, things can only get better from here.


Beep.. Beep.. Beep..
I woke up to the sound of my alarm indicating that I needed to get up for school. Usually the sound would irritate me, but today I felt calm. Calmer than usual. In fact, I haven't felt this calm for the past few weeks. I had the most lethargic sleep last night, no nightmares, nothing of that sort. It was peaceful.

Once I was up, I went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. Even though I had a nice sleep, I still looked a bit... rough shall we say. My eye bags were pretty prominent and the dark circles weren't afraid to show either. I actually liked how they looked though, sometimes it's nice to look tired. I'm not sure how to explain it... but in conclusion, I look hot.

I wasn't feeling like wearing anything too fancy today, so I grabbed a pair of loose fit jeans, and a knitted sweater, which I borrowed from Stu (well, stole it from Stu). I look wayyy better than him in this sweater anyway. Okay, maybe that's a lie - he is pretty damn cute - but still.

~ Short Time Skip ~
Woodsboro High School

I was stood at my locker, grabbing a few books from it. I was by myself because Stu had gone with his new girlfriend: Tatum. I'm not too mad though, they are cute together and I'm sure I'll be fine on my own. Besides, I'm never alone for too long, Randy always ends up finding me - which I'm not mad about - I love his company.

My locker door swings shut with force. I half expected to turn around and see Randy, but to my disappointment, it wasn't him.

A boy, who I've seen in a couple of my classes, was standing right next to me (way too close for comfort, I'd say). I've forgotten his name... hold on, I'll get it... Johnny, that's it!

"Can I help you?" I said. My tone of voice was filled with annoyance, he has no right to come over and slam my locker door shut just so he can talk to me. Some guys these days...

"Actually yes, so I was wondering if you'd like to go watch a movie sometime.. or do whatever for that matter?" Oh god, here we go again... "sorry I'm not interested" I went to open my locker again, but he grabbed my wrist. "Excuse you.. get off me!" I told him, being extremely serious. "Hey hey.. calm down, princess. Now I'm going to ask you again, and this time don't reply with a silly answer" he explained. I rolled my eyes. Is he being for real?

In love with the geek ~ Randy Meeks x readerWhere stories live. Discover now