~ Chapter 6 ~

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Tuesday, September 3rd 1996

I jolted up in bed with a gasp of pure fear, "oh thank god it was only a dream." A sigh of relief escaped my lips.

The man. He was in my nightmare, Randy was there too, we were being chased and threatened by him. Such a creep, I thought to myself. I still don't know if he was for real yesterday over the phone... he sounded pretty serious but it could just be a sick joke.

I composed myself and decided not to think much of it, I'm planning on reporting the calls to the police after school today.

Upon opening my curtains in my room, a feeling of disappointment and dissatisfaction rushed throughout my whole entire mind and body. There was no sun this morning, sometimes I rely on the sun to keep my mood up. Although, I do enjoy colder weather too. It wasn't raining (just cloudier than usual) but when it does rain, I love listening to it.

For a small moment I kept my position next to my window, I enjoy just looking out of it. Sometimes it's the simple things in life that fill me with pure joy; I don't take everyday things for granted. However, my thoughts were soon interrupted by the realisation of me being in my room right now. Last night, I fell asleep on the couch downstairs while watching a movie with Randy. Therefore, he must've carried me to bed without waking me. That's actually so sweet, I thought to myself.

Flashback ~ last night
Randy's POV:
Y/n and I were sat on her couch watching Terror Train. I tried not to comment on Jamie Lee or the movie in general as I could see that y/n almost asleep; I didn't want to keep her awake, she must be tired.

I let out an over exaggerated yawn while stretching my arms up. Then I gently placed my right arm around y/n while she shuffled closer to me. Ahh I'm so smooth, sometimes it's frightening.

What we don't speak about is the fact I was drowning in nerves.. after all I'm just the geeky character who doesn't have much luck with women yet here I am cuddling with a girl (not just any girl, she's THE girl) while watching a horror movie.. I'm living the dream.

It makes me feel appreciated that y/n is this comfortable with me already, I'm the same with her. There's something there, sparks between the two of us. She's also probably the most beautiful girl I've ever met. In fact, she IS the most beautiful girl I've ever met. Y/n is my own Jamie Lee, if you will. And I want to protect her at all costs, she's worth it.
End of Randy's POV

Back to the present day
Y/N's POV:
Something about today feels off, i cant quite put my finger on what it is.. but there's something. Well, there's only one way to find out, i did the usual and got ready to go to school (along with Stu doing the same).

~ Short Time Skip ~
Woodsboro High School

Walking onto the school grounds was total chaos. News vans, reporters, and police officers flooded the place. Even Gale Weathers was here; it surprised me to see her, I've only ever seen her on the tv. "What is going on?!" I turned to Stu and spoke with a confused tone of voice. He's just as confused as me.

We carried on walking through the madness and mayhem and soon reached the building's doors.

"How does it feel knowing that of your classmates were brutally murdered?"

"What's it like knowing that one of your friends could be a killer?"

These were just a few of the vast variety of questions I could hear being asked, cutting through the air like knifes. What's all this murder talk? I knew something was wrong today, I just knew it.

"Hey did you guys hear about the murders?" Randy came running over to me and Stu, we were stood next to my locker as I grabbed a few books. "Not really" Stu and I replied in unison. "You know Casey and Steve? They were found gutted, and apparently Casey was hanging from a tree with her insides on th-" I physically began to feel sick, Stu had noticed my uncomfortableness, "Randy.. that's enough now" he said.

In love with the geek ~ Randy Meeks x readerWhere stories live. Discover now