~ Chapter 23 ~

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Later that day,
Bradley's Video Store

Randy and I had clocked in for our evening shift at the video store. We will be shutting earlier on due to the new curfew that's been put in place, so things have been getting rather busy.. but we can manage. A few other workers are here too.

I saw Randy pushing around a trolley full of DVDs, which he then jumped onto the back of, and began riding it around.. he's so cute. But then I witnessed him nearly crash into a customer; he needs to be more careful with that thing. I couldn't help but giggle at his actions however.

I made my way over to Randy.. a smile painted across my lips (as usual when I'm around him). When I reached him, his face lit up; he too, was smiling bright. We greeted each other, but after a brief moment, I looked at him. His eyes fixed upon my gaze, "you okay, my love?" His voice was soft and soothing. I smirked, and hummed 'yes' in reply. "Now, call me crazy.. but I know that look" Randy added. I bit my lip ever so slightly, it naturally happened, "I've got no clue what you're talking about.." I said whist getting closer to him. His arms slipped around my waist, and I brought mine up around the back of his neck. "What are you thinking about, hm?" He asked, I could tell he was dying to know. I gestured for him to lower himself slightly as I reached my face up to be in line with his ear, "you." I noticed how that one word had such an influence on Randy. I could tell he had ecstatic tingles all over his body paired with butterflies erupting in his stomach.

I allowed my hands to slip from around the back of his neck; I now cupped his face with them, pulling him in for a passionate kiss. I'm weary of the fact that we're in the video store with many people around.. but I really desire Randy's touch and affection right now; kissing is the most we can do here. And I'm not complaining, his kisses are like heaven.

"Alright alright! Pack it in lovebirds.." our moment was rudely interrupted by a familiar voice, "..god I've been stood here for five whole minutes waiting for you two to get out of your own world" Randy and I turned to see Stu leaning on the DVD shelf's, at the other side.

A/N: sorry this is an odd place for an authors note, but to make everything easier to understand and less confusing, the speech will be in different text for each character (only in the following conversation):

Y/n = italics
Stu = bold + italics
Randy = underlined + italics

‼️Again this is only for this specific conversation between Y/n, Randy, and Stu; the same key won't apply throughout the rest of the story‼️

"This place is packed tonight, huh" stu commented while looking a round. "We've had a run in the mass murder section just recently.." I replied. "Anyway, coming to my fiesta?" He asked. "Yeh, we're off early.. curfew ya know" Randy answered. "Wait, you organised a party at ours.. without telling me?" I dramatically rolled my eyes at Stu whilst I spoke. "Yes, because I assumed that you'd wanna join?" Stu questioned. "How could I say no to a party?!" We all laughed together.

Randy seemed to notice something, "oh now that's in poor taste.." he commented. Stu and I exchanged looks of confusion. "If you were the only suspect in a senseless bloodbath.. would you be standing in the horror section?" He added whilst refocusing his attention back on us. Stu and I both saw Billy talking to a couple of girls across the room, "well from what I've heard, it was all just a misunderstanding.. he didn't do anything" "oh you're such a little lap dog.." Randy was about to add to his sentence but I added to the conversation instead, "he's got killer printed all over his forehead." Stu looked at me, "well then, why'd the cops let him go?" He questioned. "Obviously they don't watch enough movies, this is standard horror movie stuff, prom night revisited.." "oh yeah.. then why would he wanna kill his own girlfriend?" "Look Stu, there's always some bullshit reason to kill your girlfriend.. that's the beauty of it all, simplicity" I began to sound like I was ranting, I mean.. I am rather passionate about horror. Randy looked at me, he was impressed, I could tell, "yeh, y/n gets it.. Oh and besides, if it gets too complicated, you lose your target audience" he shrugged. "Yeh well.. you know who I think it's is, I think it's her father.. why can't they find her pops, man? I hate to say it but it's rather obvious" Stu suggested. I have to say, he's got a point... but surely Sidney's father wouldn't do this.. right?

I was deep in thought about Stu's suspicions, when I heard Randy shouting, "the police are always off track with this shit.. if they'd watched prom night they'd save time.. there's a formula to it, a VERY SIMPLE FORMULA.. EVERYBODY'S A SUSPECT!" And with that, the whole room was struck dead silent. Everyone's eyes were on us.. well, on Randy more than me and Stu, who looked very surprised.

A/N: I wont be using that key^ anymore for the rest of the conversation.. I just felt the need to do so on the previous section as things would've gotten confusing. Enjoy the rest of the story! :)

Randy had made his point and turned to walk away whilst saying, "the dad's a red herring, im telling you now, it's Billy-" and within a split second, Billy was right there; he grabbed Randy's shirt with a tight fist. "H-hi billy.." Randy's voice was now shaky.. I was prepared to involve myself at any given moment, if Billy decided to escalate the situation.. but I kept myself back for now. "How to we know you're not the killer, huh?" Billy stared directly into Randy's eyes, with a stern look upon his face; he spoke in pure seriousness, "..maybe your movie freaked mind lost it's reality button, huh, you ever think of that?". "You're absolutely right, I'm the first the admit it.. If this were a scary movie, I'd be the prime suspect!" I could see Randy's visible discomfort in the current situation; I'll speak up in moment, I want to see where Billy is going with this one.

Just when I thought Billy was going to speak up again.. Stu walked up to the pair, getting closer to Randy, "what would be you your motive?" Stu sounded more curious, while Billy still held a serious expression on his face and in his words. "It's the millennium, motives are incidental" I knew Randy was proud of that one. "Millennium.. hmm I like that.. that's good.." Billy commented in reply, while pinching Randy's nose.

Billy began walking away from us, Stu made a comment on how 'millennium' was a good word to use. Randy looked at me; I whispered to him, "one second.." and walked after Billy. "Hey Loomis, wait up!" I called after him, he almost instantly turned around. "Ahh.. if it isn't little miss Dubois, did you enjoy the show?" A smile grew upon his face; I ignored his comments completely.

The two of us walked out of the video store doors, "look Billy.. I don't know who you think you are, but what the fuck is your problem man?" I turned to him in a serious manner. "Woah woah! Relax.. I didn't do anything to your little boyfriend" he stopped walking and turned to look at me. "Just leave him alone, okay? We're all meant to be friends here.. and besides, you acting like that, isn't making you look any less suspicious than what you already do." I commented which was met by a chuckle from him, "Look y/n, I appreciate the concern.. but he was accusing me of attacking my own girlfriend.. why would I do that?" I hummed in response to his words, "whatever Billy, just tone it down a bit would ya?" He sort of moved past my words, "yeh yeh.. see you at the party tonight?" He asked. "First of all, it's being held at my house.. so yes, I'll be there. Second of all, why the fuck are you coming?" I snapped at him, he's just pissing me off for some reason. "Heyy.. settle down.. what do you think I'm gonna do? Murder everyone?! I don't think so.." Billy said that in a joking way followed by a chuckle;  I couldn't help but pick up on a more cold and dark side to his words.. and seen as he's the only suspect here, I was sort of scared by this.

"Right, im going now.. see ya y/n" he said, walking away. "Bye Loomis" I made my way back into the video store. Billy's comment about murdering people was the only thing going through my mind.. but I wasn't gonna let that dickhead ruin a good party. I need to take a break; stop being so on edge all the time.

Randy almost immediately rushed over, looking concerned; he bombarded me with multiple questions like, "what did you say to him?", "did he hurt you?", and so on. I answered with everything that I could, and then the two of us got back by to work until it was eventually time to shut.

We'd picked out a few movies to take back to my place. We're planning on watching them at some point tonight, at the party. They were all horror movies of course, as today is Halloween.. so it's only right that we watch that genre.

I think tonight will be a great opportunity to somewhat forget about everything that's happening around us in Woodsboro. Plus we'll be in a large group, which should ensure everyone's safety. I'm excited for the party to begin!
Word count: 1681

In love with the geek ~ Randy Meeks x readerWhere stories live. Discover now