~ Chapter 38 ~

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⚠️ Warning: smut
(I will write another warning just before the smut starts and it is near the end of this chapter)

Our whole group was now together, including Hallie, I'm glad she's okay. Turns out she was just staying after class for a bit to take a few extra notes; Mickey was happy to see her.

I've also noticed that Mickey has begun to carry his camera around a lot more just recently; he's always been one for recording things but his hobby has turned into more of a strict daily routine. But he seems to enjoy it, so if he's happy then I'm happy.

I noticed a group of hungry reporters congregated close to where my friends and I were hanging out, all of them asking questions and demanding answers; this whole thing seems too familiar.

"Hey, is that-" I began talking upon spotting a recognisable face in the crowd, "..Gale Weathers?" Randy finished my sentence. "Sure looks like her" Stu added.

Randy turned to Mickey's camera, which was filming the current event, he started expressing a load of mumbo jumbo about Gale Weathers.

"I'm gonna get closer... anyone coming with?" Randy asked, beginning to walk away. "I will" Stu announced, before the pair continued together in the direction of Gale. "You okay Sid?" I asked her, she'd been quiet this whole time. Sidney looked and me and weakly smiled whilst nodding her head, I can tell she's thinking about the past.

Sidney turned her head to watch Gale, Derek struck up a small conversation with her in attempt to lighten the mood. Mickey was fiddling with his camera and Hallie was talking to a few girls that came over. I briefly heard something about a party, but my attention was soon swept away from them upon seeing a familiar face in the distance.

Without saying a word, I pulled myself up from my seated position and almost ran over to the person I'd missed for what feels like forever: Dewey. He's actually here. Dewy walked with a slight limp, he still had his signature moustache and held that same heartwarming smile on his face. 

"Dewey oh my god! I've missed you so much.." I mumbled into his chest, melting into his warm embrace. Dewey chuckled, "I've missed you too, y/n." He held me tight, like this was our last hug; we soon made our way over to some seats to catch up.

We both spoke about so much. I mentioned basic things like how school is going, how Randy and I are still together, and I also spoke about my new friends. Dewey told me about how his life went after the events of Woodsboro. And I now know that he has that limp thanks to a severed nerve; but hey, at least he's alive! I think he's one lucky guy; we're all lucky to still be here today.

I saw Sidney coming over, the group hesitated for a minute before slowly following (they all hung back a bit though). I left Sid and Dewey to talk alone for a bit, making my way back to the others.

"Who's that?" Derek asked, curious to know more. "That's Dewey, an old friend of ours... he was involved in Woodsboro too" My smile faded slightly. "Hey, it's okay.." Mickey said whilst rubbing my arm. I smiled at him, for some odd reason he actually helped me to calm my emotions, how strange.

Randy and Stu were on there way back to us, Sidney and Dewey were saying their goodbyes; Dewey began walking away after sending us all a wave.

Just then, a pair of recognisable arms scooped me up and I was thrown over a shoulder. "Randy! Put me down!" I shouted, laughing at his actions. "Not. A. Chance." He spoke in a serious tone. I wiggled around and playfully slapped his back in order to get him to set me free, but it was no use. I then had an urge that I couldn't resist, I began slapping Randy's ass. "Hey.. stop that" he laughed, before tickling me which caused me to giggle and squirm around even more.

In love with the geek ~ Randy Meeks x readerWhere stories live. Discover now