~ Chapter 36 ~

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Monday, May 4th 1998

Things feel strange.

Now I know life has never been the same since what happened back home in Woodsboro, but today is noticeably different. The world around me has began to settle over these past few months; today however, an unsettling feeling of unease lingers in the air like a shadowy presence that's unafraid to make itself known.

I brushed past this feeling and got ready for the day as usual. This was the case until I heard something that changed everything...

".. 2 students of Windsor college were brutally murdered last night in a movie theatre which was streaming the new sensation, 'Stab'. The movie itself is based off of the tragic and chilling events of the Woodsboro-"

Hallie turned the TV off.

Sid and I gave each other a look, we both knew it was happening again. As much as I don't want to believe that... I cant ignore it; innocent people are in danger, we are in danger.


Film class

"You could say what happened in that theatre is a direct result of the movie itself" I listened to our film teacher from outside of the classroom, I've only just arrived and I'm waiting for an opportunity to enter without it being awkward; I'm late because I was overthinking the whole murders situation.

"That is so moral majority, you can't blame real life violence on entertainment" A girl expressed her opinion in reply to the teacher's statement, I recognised the voice as being Cici Cooper. "What.. yes you can, don't you even watch the movies?" A random guy in my class argued. "Yeh hello, the murderer was wearing a ghost mask, just like in the movie, it's directly responsible" Another guy in the class added, supporting his friends theory.

I finally decided to actually enter the classroom, otherwise I would've been stood there all day.

I found myself just standing at the door, I froze as soon as I noticed everyone staring at me. My nerves were soon calmed when I met Randy's soothing gaze, he sent me a smile and silently ushered me to continue; he makes me feel better no matter what.

"Uhh.. sorry I'm late sir, had a lot going on ya know..." my voice was quieter than usual, almost shaky. This isn't like me. I'm usually confident; today actually is strange. My professor greeted me with a sympathetic smile, he understood why I was late and told me not to worry, then asking me take a seat as usual.

As normal, I shuffled my way towards Randy, taking a seat in the empty space next to him. By this point, the class discussion had continued.

"Look, all I'm saying is that movies are not responsible for our actions!" Cici was determined to get her point across. "It's a classic case of life imitating art imitating life" Mickey spoke up from his seat, nearer the back of the room. "This is not a hypothetical, it's not about art, I had biology with that girl, this is reality" Another girl added. Randy turned himself away from me, preparing himself to talk, "thank you, I agree with you.." he aimed his words at the girl who just spoke, before turning his attention to Mickey, "..let me tell you something about reality Mickey, I lived through this okay, life is life, it doesn't imitate anything." "Come on Randy, with all due respect the killer obviously patterned himself after two serial killers that have been immortalised on film" Mickey argued back.

"Are you suggesting that someone is trying to make a real life sequel..?" The professor asked. "Stab 2?! Who would wanna do that? Sequels suck." Randy's statement on sequels seemed to earn a reaction from the whole class, now everyone is discussing this topic: do sequels actually suck? I didn't say anything like everyone else, I just laughed at Randy; I find it funny and cute when he's arguing. "Oh please please, by definition alone, they are inferior films.." Randy continued. "It's bullshit generalisation many sequels have surpassed their originals" Mickey involved himself again.

I'm enjoying just observing the current situation.

"Oh yeah.." Randy replied to Mickey but was cut off by Cici, "Name one" She also aimed her words at Mickey. But swiftly after, another guy spoke up, "Aliens, far better than the first." "Yeah well there's no accounting for taste." Cici snapped back. "Thank you Ridley Scott rules, name another.."

"No, aliens is a classic, 'get away from her you bitch'" One guy added. "I believe the line is 'stay away from her you bitch' ... this is film class right?" Randy corrected him. Although, the teacher gave Randy a look, as if saying 'are you sure about that one?' And that's when I noticed that Randy was actually wrong. Now, I wasn't gonna humiliate him in front of the class, so I tapped him on the shoulder, leaning towards him, getting closer to his ear, "hate to break it to you Mr Meeks, but you're wrong about that one.." I smirked and saw his cheeks flash red, but he didn't fully believe me; oh well, I tried.

From that point onwards, I'd disassociated myself from the current conversation being held in the room - we still have a good 40 mins of film class left - I've resorted to doodling on the paper in front of me.

Similarly to earlier on this morning, my mind went straight back to thinking about the murders. I know that the victims were both students here at Windsor college, and I now know their names: Maureen Evans and Phil Stevens. The names seem oddly familiar but I can't quite put my finger on it.

Tuning back into the classroom conversation, all I could hear was talk about the most recent murders and Woodsboro and everything; it's all beginning to get too much to handle. I feel rather overwhelmed, I want to leave now.

I move my gaze over to the film class professor, who was sat on the front desk. I half-raised my hand so he noticed it, without properly saying a word I mouthed 'can I go?' using my hands to gesture towards the door. He thought about it for a second before nodding, granting me permission to grab my bag and make a swift exit.

Randy had taken note of the fact I was preparing my stuff to leave and whispered to me, "hey, you okay? Where you going?" He sounds rather concerned, but I suppose it's his duty as my boyfriend. "Don't worry, I'm fine, I'll see ya later okay" I looked into his beautiful blue eyes that were fixed on me, and only me in that moment of time. Randy smiled in an understanding manner before expressing his goodbyes. "Love you" I whispered before kissing his cheek and standing up. He looked up at me in pure adoration, whilst smirking he said, "I love you too, beautiful" AND OH MY LORD I INTERNALLY SCREAMED SO LOUD AFTER HE SAID THAT.


I swear to god this man is fucking driving me crazy in the best way possible, I love him so much.

Once out of the room, I made my way through the fairly empty corridors of the building - most, if not all students were currently in some sort of class right now - I'm on my way to Stu.
Word count: 1222

In love with the geek ~ Randy Meeks x readerWhere stories live. Discover now